~31: requests from Y/N~

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Reki: What are you... writing?
Miya: Don't ask. You don't want to know.
Reki: Have you asked them?
Miya: No. I just know them.
Reki: Fair enough.
Y/N: You don't want to knwow hat I'm writing? :(
Langa: what are you writing?
Y/N: *under her breath* I'll have to add 'Langa is the Jesus to my Christian. He is now the Messiah'
Langa: What was that?
Y/N: Nothing.
Y/N: So I was writing a list...
Cherry: A list of what?
Joe: Yeah, it could be a list of many things. How you want to die, top video games/animes, a tier list of us— wait you already wrote that—
Miya: She has a tier list of us?
Y/N: Based on friendship level. Reki and Langa are pretty high up there. Adam's at the bottom.
Y/N: But that's off-topic. It's a list of what I want on my gravestone :D
Langa: What the f*** Y/N
Y/N: Language
Y/N: Now, allow me to read my list
Reki: Should we be concerned
Miya: I stopped being concerned two years ago
Langa: But you've only known each other for one year-
Miya: exactly.

Here's the list in question
I should've done a flip...
Y/N_L/N didnt stick the landing
Achievement unlocked: Oh, Grim Reaper! Die once
At least my stomach was full
AT LAST I SEE THE LIGHT AND IT'S LIKE THE SKY IS- oh hey God how's it going
I haven't taken over the seven continents yet though
I may be dead, but don't think I won't beat your arse up here. I'll kill you spiritually.

Some of these my cousins and I thought of yesterday. I was gonna post this yesterday but I got grounded -~-

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