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Y/N: So, like, what if humans learned photosynthesis?
Y/N: Then we wouldn't need food.
Y/N: Then we could learn to flavor the sun
Y/N: ANd kill everyone and everything.
Cherry: What the f*ck


*everyone is in a dark room. A spotlight turns on and points at Y/N. Everyone else is visible as well. No one has a clue what's going on*
Y/N: Welcome to the Internet
Langa: Why are you swinging a fake staff around
Y/N: Have a look around
Miya: Y/N, it's dark. We can't see sh*t.
Joe: Hey! Language!
Y/N: Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found.
Reki: Then where's my McDonald's
Y/N: We've got mountains of content. SOme better, some worse
Miya: Y/N, there's nothing here.
Y?N: If none of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first.
Y/N: Welcome to the Internet, come and take a seat.
Reki: There's- huh. There really are chairs.
Y/n: Would you like to see the news or any famous women's feet?
Miya: That's disgusting.
Y/N: There's no need to panic. This isn't a test. Just nod or shake your head and we'll do the rest.
Reki: And she's circling.
Y/N: Welcome to the internet. What would you prefer?
Miya: For you to get out of my face and an AC. I think it's broken.
Y/N: WOuld you like to fight for civil rights or tweet a racial slur?
Langa: I like that first one
Y/N: Be happy
Y/N: Be horny *looks at Joe*
Y/N: Be bursting with  rage
Y/N: We have a million ways for you to engage.
Miya: What the f*ck even is this
Y/N: Welcome to the internet. Put your cares aside.
Y/N: Here's a tip for straining pasta. Here's a nine-year-old who died. 
Joe: What 
Y/N: We got movies, and doctors, and fantasy sports
Langa: Like Quidditch?
Reki: Dude. Don't encourage her.
Y/N: And colored pencil drawings of all the characters form Harry Potter f*cking each other
Reki: See?
Y/N: Welcome to the internet! Hold on to your socks
Y/N: 'Cuz a random guy just kindly sent you photoes of his c*ck
Cherry: This is getting highly uncomfortable, Y/N.
Y/N: They are grainy and off-putting. He just sent you more *walks into Joe's face*
Y/N: Don't act surprised, you know you like it, you wh*re.
Joe: I-
Y/N: See a man beheaded, get offended, see a shrink.
Y/N: SHow us photos of your children, tell us every thought you think.
Y/N: Start a rumor, buy a broom, or send a death threat to a boomer.
Y/N: Or DM a girl and groom her
Cherry: Y/N, you're getting out of hand.
Y/N: DO a Zoom or find a tumor in your
Y/N: Here's a healthy breakfast option
Y/N: You should kill your mom
Y/N: Here's why women never f*ck you
Y/N: Here's how you can build a bomb
Y/N: Which power ranger are you?
Y/N: Obama sent the Americans to vaccinate your kids.
Miya: Why are you bringing up f*cking Obama? Are we supposed to know who he is?
Langa: I do. A little.
Miya: Who asked?
Y/N: *sigh* You guys need to watch Bo Burnham.

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