chapter one

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It's cold and the place is filled with white snow. You're sitting on a porch of an elegant house. No. it doesn't look like a house. It looks like a palace. You close your eyes when you feel the cold breeze brushing your cheeks. Ah! This feels like Christmas.

As you drift away to the serene atmosphere, someone hold your hand. You immediately open your eyes and it's a man but you can't see his face. To your surprise, you didn't panic instead, his touch made you feel safe for some reason.

"Why do I feel like I know you?" You asked him.

"This is my promise to you. We will meet again, y/n." He said as he kissed your ring finger and your forehead. He then slowly stood up and walked away.

"Hey! Wait! What's your name?" You followed him but he's not looking back.


You lightly gasped as you opened your eyes. "Oh, it's that dream again." You whispered to yourself and sat at the edge of your bed, rubbing your temples. You've been getting those vivid dreams since you turned eighteen. it was always a man with no face, talking to you like he knew you.

You were scratching the back of your head when you decided to check the time. You almost jumped out from your bed when you saw that it was already 8:00 in the morning. You have class at 9:00.

"Shoot!" You quickly ran towards the bathroom to take a bath and quickly prepare for your class.

"You overslept again?" Yuna, your friend said as she sat beside you. You're now at the coffee shop to pass some time before your next subject. Luckily, you made it to your class earlier.

"I didn't know that it's hard to be an adult. Balancing part-times and studies, and who would have thought that your back will start to hurt at the age of 20?" You pout while resting your head on the table. "I took my youth for granted. I wish I slept more when I was in high school."

"Well, regrets always come at the end." She chuckled. "But hey, at least you're making your own money."

"Yeah, I can buy things that I want." You replied as you unconsciously stared at your ring finger. It has a moon-shaped birthmark.

"You're staring at that birthmark again,"

"I dreamt of him earlier."

"Again? That faceless guy?"

"Yeah," You said and sat straight. You rested your hand on your palm. "It feels so real, you know? His touch is warm and it takes my worries away. I feel like I'm safe. if that makes sense?"

"You read too much manhwa again, aren't you?"

You sigh, "Yeah." you messed your hair. "I think I'm losing my mind."

"Sometimes, all you need is to unwind. Piling up stress is not good for your health." Yuna suddenly claps her hand. "I know! let's drink on your day off!"

"I can't. I have research papers that need to be finalized."

"You're missing the highlights of your college days. Come on! We're not gonna get wasted. I promise!"

You took a deep breath before you answered. "Fine. I guess a little rest won't hurt."

You sigh as you walk your way back to your apartment. It's already 11:00 in the evening. and you just finished your shift at the local cafe.

The road is oddly quiet today. You thought. You're just walking on a bridge with a lake underneath when you feel someone close. The man suddenly grabs your bag but you react fast and hug them tightly.

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