chapter thirteen

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As soon as you arrived back at the palace, the handmaidens welcomed you and guided you to the royal bath. They bathed you and helped you get ready. Kazutora instructed them to pamper you before the flower festival.

They put different salves to your skin that smelled so nice. They also styled your hair and helped you wear the most beautiful Kimono that you have ever seen.

"You look beautiful." The handmaiden whispered to your ear as she finalized the finishing touches of your hair. You're wearing a pink kimono with a beautiful Sakura tree hand-drawn in it. The handmaidens said that it was painted by Kazutora's favorite artist and it was handpicked by him yesterday.

"Enjoy the flower festival, miss." They all said and bowed in front of you. You thank them all before they exited the room.

"Miss." Chifuyu greeted you with a smile.

"Good evening, Chifuyu."

"You look pretty. The Prince is lucky to have you as his bride."

"Thank you." You shyly replied.

"Let's go?" Chifuyu said and you nodded. He then guided you to where Kazutora is.

Looking around while walking, you witnessed how lively the plaza is. There are a lot of food stalls, beautiful foxes wearing kimonos, and kids playing around. Everyone is having a good time.

Every kingdom people greet Kazutora and he happily greeted them back. He was way different from the memories Ran showed you and seeing him like that makes your heart feel a little at ease.

"Kazutora-sama, the lady is here." Chifuyu announced and Kazutora's head shifted your way. His eyes widened upon seeing you. You, on the other hand, suddenly got shy because of his reaction. You don't know if he finds it beautiful or not. Chifuyu chuckled and excused himself, leaving you two alone.

"Say something." You whispered.

"Ah! You—Uhm... You look beautiful. No. Beautiful is not enough to describe you. You look alluring, gorgeous, stunning, heavenly like a goddess, y/n." He paused and cleared his throat then leaned a little closer, covering the side of his face and whisper. "I really want to kiss you right now but there are many people here."

"Your highness!" You exclaimed and looked around to see if someone heard him.

"Kidding." He chuckled and offered you his arm. "Let's walk around?" He asked and you nodded, clinging to his arm.

"This feels like a date."

"A date? Ah! The thing couples do in your world?"


"Are you implying that we're a couple?" He teasingly said. You panicked upon realizing your words and immediately let go of his arm but Kazutora quickly wrapped his arms around your waist.

"You're not going anywhere."

"You! I didn't imply—I mean I'm your bride after all so I thought..."

"I know, I know. I'm just teasing you." He chuckled and you looked away, trying to hide your embarrassment.

Shortly after, your eyes widened like a kid upon seeing different booths of food and games. You walked a bit ahead and Kazutora just watched you enjoy the place.

All smiles, you greeted the kingdom foxes and they greeted you back. Some even gifted you some handmade flowers and homemade sweets. It's already been an hour of walking around and you're still not tired. In fact, your energy didn't decrease at all. Maybe because of the lively ambiance of the festival.

"Look, your highness! Someone gifted me their flowers and biscuits. They told me that I look pretty." You said, happily. Kazutora simply smiled and nodded.

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