Chapter 3: Epiphany

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Chapter 3: Epiphany

In a world wherein only the dark atmosphere with floating chunks of land, and thick pieces of stone can only be seen by naked eyes.

Boruto and Toneri remain floating while facing each other. Toneri turns to his other side and speaks calmly. "Now, tell me... What do you seek?"

"I seek?" Boruto moves his eyes down to his hand, he stares at its palm, "I don't know... But, I only seek the safety of everyone around me."

"So you needed your passing so badly?" Toneri remains facing into Boruto, "I thought you were like your father, your father who never gives up on any hardships that will come upon him."

Boruto puts his hand down and looks upward to Toneri's mug. "Mr. Toneri, you seem to know my father very well."

"Well... Your father and I had a great time in my hometown," Toneri moves his hand up to his chin; rubbing it gently, "I think now's the time to move on to our main reason for seeing each other."

Toneri snaps his fingers on his hand, every detail around them changes tremendously. Boruto moves his eyes everywhere.

"This is the place... The place where I-!" Boruto quickly looks back at Toneri, "You're that guy! The guy who spoke to me through my dream! You said something about my fate!"

Toneri remains calm and he nods his head. "Yes, I am the one you've spoken of."

Toneri raises his hand and points his finger at Boruto's activated dojutsu. "Your dojutsu is a high-risk dojutsu that is a threat to humankind. The right hand of Otsutsuki when it comes to their will. However..."

Boruto raises his hand and moves it towards the Jogan, then his other eye goes wide after he felt the feeling of electricity going through his whole body; sending tingles to his whole body.

"Jogan has been stolen by the rebel of Otsutsuki's will, the brother of Kaguya's father." Toneri moves his hand down, "Jogan isn't meant to be the 'pure eye', it is inferred to as the 'right hand of Otsutsuki when it comes to their will'."

"My eye... I mean the Jogan, is it meant to bring destruction to planets which Otsutsuki will settle on?" Boruto asked Toneri, confusion fills Boruto very quickly and hence he remembers what Momoshiki did by using his body.

He became from a young man to a sinister beast very quickly, bringing a great threat to the people who were closest to his heart.

Toneri asks Boruto. "Are you having cold feet right now, Boruto?"

"No," Boruto moves his eyes down, "it's just... I'm still feeling frightened even if I am at peace right now..."

"I am not speaking with you in the flesh, I'm speaking with you in spirit," Toneri tells Boruto, he remains calm, "now, let me continue educating you about your Jogan."

Toneri snaps his fingers on his hand, hence an enormous figure of a man can be seen standing behind Toneri. The enormous man has an attractive face, a well-built body, his attire is like that of an Otsutsuki but it is different in style; he wears a red coat and its bottom part is reaching his waist, and he doesn't wear any type of shirt making his bare chest down to his abdomen to be seen.

A vertical line of a six red magatama is embedded on his bare chest but a long scar is blocking his magatama. He wears big long black pants covering half of his ankle, and nothing is covering his feet.

Like his race, he has a pair of horns coming out from both sides of his head yet it is broken; its look is similar to the look of a branch of a tree.

His eyes are white, but his other eye has the eye that Boruto possesses in his right eye.

"Why does his body look like that?" Boruto spoke while his eyes were fixated on the enormous figure of a male Otsutsuki behind Toneri.

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