Chapter 11: Startling Menace

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Chapter 11: Startling Menace

In a wide domain where gigantic chunks of rocks are floating in every direction, a humanoid can be seen sitting on a dark chunk.

This humanoid can be described with a pair of white horns protruding from the sides of its head, long white hair that has the length reaching his waist; dark lines on his forehead down to his neck.

"He has reached that eye that can shake even an emperor ranking Otsutsuki," snickering, he moves his eyes down to his pale palm, "Boruto you're really... fascinating for a human boy."

Three men are walking on a metallic aligned slab that is heading downwards. One of them, the young man with yellow hair, utters, "Ryogi, enlighten me about the peril of Konohagakure.

Ryogi, the young man with red shoulder-length hair cracks a smile on his lip. "Really? You're such a straightforward Boruto."

"Are you startled?" Boruto moves his eyes right at Ryogi's back, "come on, do you want an allied force?"

Ryogi's lip curves upward. "Alright, I will give up being the dominant person here.

"It was a long time ago since the downfall of not just Konoha but all the other powerful nations occurred.

"Before all of that happened, there was this entity who wrecked the whole Konohagakure. His hair is raised and it's scarlet; a white line is aligning on his right eye."

The little one among them throws his hand in the air and both Boruto and Ryogi shift their eyes toward him.

"Yes?" Both of them switched their eyes toward each other.

"I'll frost your whole body if you copy anything that I say." Ryogi moved his eyes from Boruto.

Boruto's pounding flesh inflames. His eyes narrow a bit. "Do you know a joke?"

Ryogi remains walking whilst Asahi moves his eyes toward Boruto. Boruto releases a short, quick breath from his slightly open lip. "'I'll frost your whole body if you copy anything that I say. What a silly thing to say to someone who can crush you to bits, right, Ryogi?"

Ryogi's feet cease bit by bit as a cold wind flies in the atmosphere around the three young lads. Ryogi turns around, and three long, sharp objects fly towards the other lads.

Boruto steps side-to-side avoiding the incoming frozen projectiles, and lifts his foot and kicks Asahi. Asahi bounces towards the metallic bars beside the stairs.

Boruto raises his left hand and closes it, and thrusts his left hand. Ryogi jumps aside, and a sharp projectile flies across him; almost touching his cheek.

Ryogi holds his hands and performs multiple hand seals at great speed. His upper and bottom lips depart, and a white wind occurs from his mouth.

Once the cold wind hits the metallic staircase: a pile of white sharp frozen structures rises from the metallic staircase.

"Pathetic." Boruto lifted his hand and swung it.

The thick force of wind from Boruto's hand flies toward the frozen tall spikes; lines form on the frozen tall spikes leading to an outburst.

"How?!" Ryogi folded his forelegs and released a force from his feet.

Ryogi springs and land on the metallic wall. Boruto moves his blue eyes upward and sees Ryogi staring at him.

Ryogi jumps from the metallic wall and lands on the group of metallic steps; he's standing lower than Boruto's ground.

Ryogi lingers his eyes at Boruto whilst Boruto is ambling on the staircase; reaching his level.

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