Chapter 8: Divvying Silk

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Chapter 8: Divvying Silk

The tension is still arising in the village of lost pieces. A blade is still pointing at Shiruku's neck whilst Moya is standing on his ground; far from Boruto and Shiruku. The two escorts of Shiruku are still analyzing the situation of Shiruku.

Boruto moves his other hand towards Shiruku and holds Shiruku's wrist and yanks Shiruku towards him. Boruto steps backward while holding Shiruku's forearm and pull Shiruku in front of him.

Boruto raises his other hand to Shiruku's chest; he deepens his forearm on his chest and his other hand is wielding a sword whose sharp blade is focused on Shiruku's neck.

"First and foremost," Moya moves his hands down while staring calmly at Boruto, "I am amused by what you've shown. I never knew that a foolhardy young man like you still exists and I love that!"

Boruto narrows his eye and dojutsu upon Moya, hence he clicks his tongue. "Enough with the talk, stranger. I am fascinated by what you've offered and how the heck you entered this sacred village."

Boruto slightly moves his sword up and down, causing Shiruku's eyes to go wide in fear. Then Boruto continues to speak. "Now, I am starting to doubt this leader that I am holding!"

"B-Boruto!" Shiruku's whole body moved in a quick, sharp manner.

"Shut up, Yaro!" Boruto gritted his teeth.

Moya lifts his hand whilst Boruto remains calm while gazing at him. Hence Moya rubs his thumb and index finger at the same time while saying, "I am an equal businessman and a sharp one. I've hidden a tattoo within me so that I can enter and exit this village at my will.

"Secondly, I'm offering a chance of a lifetime... You, swordsman, will slash his neck using your mighty sword, then I will beat him.

"It's like cooking, you know? Preparing the ingredients before cooking it to produce a meal for the whole day."

A smile forms on Boruto's lip, thence he moves his sword down and throws a sharp kick onward Shiruku's back. Shiruku falls to the ground, henceforth Boruto twirls and sees Shiruku's escorts scurrying toward him.

"You will not escape!" The female escort raises her hands and forms quick hand seals.

"Water Release: Double Sharp Shot!" the female escort inhaled deeply and then she breathed two big water spheres towards Boruto.

Boruto remains calm while gazing at the incoming water bullets. "Her attack isn't a joke. Yet, it will be useless upon absorbing—"

"NO!" Boruto told himself, ergo he swiftly swings his sword in a different direction.

The two big water spheres were torn in half. After that, Boruto swings his foot toward the male escort, yet the male escort folds his forearm and successfully blocks Boruto's foot.

The female escort smiles widely while bringing out a knife from the pocket which is attached to her belt. Boruto jumps and swings his foot hitting the male escort on his face, causing him to bounce away from Boruto.

When Boruto lands on the ground, he raises his elbow and moves it backward; his elbow hits the underneath part of the female escort's forearm.

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