Give Them A Chance

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It's six in the morning and I was supposed to be asleep seven hours ago. What did I do instead? Spend disgusting amounts of hours staring at my laptop screen trying to piece together an enticing enough college essay. The sitcom playing in the background wasn't really helping other than providing a distraction from utter silence. I only had a paragraph on the document, which was rewritten multiple times. Grumbling, I gave up. Maybe if I went over my homework once again, something might strike me. It didn't work despite the fact that I reread the neat scrawl over and over. I guess I'd have to do this later. Perhaps it's not too early to get ready for school. Or I could squeeze in an hour of sleep, so that I didn't look a complete mess. Obviously, I chose the latter. Even though I liked school, I didn't like it so much to skip over sleep. When I did lie down to fall asleep, however, sleep didn't seem imminent. I give up, and shuffled to the closet that was slightly open, possibly because of my laziness to not shut it all the way. I pulled out a random sweatshirt, not caring what it was. I had stopped caring since freshman year. Vanity seemed unnecessary, especially in school. It's either that, or I realised that people just didn't care enough for kids like me, who prioritised grades over themselves. Who prioritised opportunities over friendships.

I mean I'm not totally friendless. There's Nick, who's loud and obnoxious and sometimes irritating. There's a few others, but Nick and I go way back to middle school. He and I were paired up for a task, and he just wouldn't shut up. I guess that's how he and I ended up in this... mess called high school. I'm ridiculously early for school, but getting out of the house early doesn't seem so bad. My mom's asleep, and knowing her, she will be for a few more hours. It's just her and I; my dad left her before I was born. She's frankly awesome. I grab an apple, put on my shoes, and I'm out the door. I don't take the bus, because there's too many people who want to complete their homework. I don't have a car either, but I don't mind walking. The school's not that far from my house either; probably a ten-minute walk. By the time I reach school, the apple in my hand's been devoured down to it's core, which is slightly browning. I chucked the apple, or rather, what was left of it, and headed to the bleachers. Nick said he'd meet me there. Instead of sitting around idly until Nick shows up, I decide to be efficient and finish up work that's due in a week. Call me an overachiever, because I am.

"Georgie! My main man! What's up?" Nick yells, practically leaping on top of me.

"A civil hello to you too, Sap." Even though his name was Nick, he preferred being called 'Sapnap'. It's a long story, involving pandas and Minecraft.

"Dude, the day hasn't even started and you're already doing homework. I bet you give the teachers a headache."

"I don't think doing your work on time and submitting is headache-inducing, Sapnap." I quip.

"Ouch, man. I didn't know you stooped so low." He put his right hand over his heart, feigning offence.

"Anything to insult your inability to do your schoolwork."

"Oh, please. Homework is useless. I pass the exams. I'm pretty sure that's what really matters." He shrugs, settling down. We fall silent, Nick spending his precious time on Twitter, while I finish up the last of the five-page essay for History.

"George, Karl's coming outside here. He tweeted it." He says, loudly.

"Oh, for fuck's sake, you're obsessed with that boy." Nick likes Karl. Karl doesn't know he exists. Other than his online persona, obviously.

"Well, who wouldn't be?"

"Um, me, for starters." He scoffs.

"George, keep your shit back, we're watching Karl."

"Sap, that's incredibly creepy. And I'm not dropping my work just so that I can accompany you in ogling a boy."

"You're no fun."

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