Halloween Part 1

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Everyone's so caught up in Halloween, that I momentarily forget that I'm turning eighteen tomorrow. I should be excited, but I'm nervous. I don't really know why, but I'm wishing that tomorrow doesn't come. Does anyone else feel like this? Or is it just me? I don't dwell on that thought for longer, walking into school. Halloween is a huge deal here. Every empty surface is covered with decorations, and teachers and students dressed up in various outfits that made my eyes hurt. Honestly, I didn't have the energy to get a costume, so I didn't even try. Karl, Nick and Clay are huddled around Nick's locker, not decked up either. Now, I don't feel so out of place.

The teachers gave us minimal homework in the "spooky spirit of Halloween". That meant that I had more than enough time to plan out a last minute costume for Karl's party. Classes were ending obscenely quick, with kids parading around the hallways in their elaborate clothes and teachers letting us leave five minutes early every class. This has to be some sort of illegal.

Nick and I had just finished Chemistry, which wasn't very productive, and were walking to the lockers, when Clay caught up.

"Where's Karl?" He asked Nick.

"I think he hung back to talk to the teacher about an assignment."

"Oh thank god, we would've had to hear you two flirting badly forever." Clay says.

"Do you want to get ice-cream, Sapnap?" He continues, mocking Karl.

"Of course, Karl. Can I suck your dick too?" I say, playing along.

"Is that an offer, George?" Clay asks with a smug smile.

"In your fucking dreams, Clay."

"Wouldn't be the first time, then." What. The. Fuck.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's stop before it's a full-on fuck fest in here." Nick says, amusedly. Clay laughs, and then picks up a conversation with Nick, as if his comment didn't leave me red-faced and flustered.


Karl's party's at 7, and it's currently 6:30 and I am freaking out. I have literally nothing in my closet that remotely resembles a stupid Halloween costume.

"George, are you ready yet?" My mom calls from her room.

"No, can you help please?" A few seconds later, she's standing in my room, going through every piece of clothing I own. She then settles on a blue crewneck and black jeans.

"Mom, this looks like something I would wear to school."

"It's either this, or I do a full face of makeup on you. You decide." I quickly shake my head, and take the clothes from her. I don't know whether I look like I didn't try, or that I forgot. I mean it's true for both cases.

"What are you doing with this outfit?" I ask her.

"I just saw something on Pinterest years ago about something called an Error 404. Thought it'd come in handy, and I was not disappointed." She says, opening a glasses case.

"What're those?"

"A fancy little thing called clout glasses. Used to be all the rage in the 90's." She sets them on my head, and then smiles.

"You don't look half-bad."

"Thanks, otherwise I would've had to stay home, away from all civilisation." She laughs.

"Nick will be here in a bit, so why don't you go wear shoes?"

"Yeah, okay. Did we get any trick-or-treaters?"

"Oh yeah, loads." I nod, and wear my shoes. Nick said he'd pick me up early, because Karl's house is a little far from mine. Just as I swipe a few candy bars, the doorbell rings, and I run to get it. Nick's there, dressed in a panda onesie.

"Sapnap, I thought you said there was something integral missing from your costume, so you didn't wear it. This is a fucking onesie."

"It's a fashion statement, Georgie. Keep up, baby boy." I roll my eyes at his stupidity.

"You boys have fun, and George, call me if anything goes wrong."

"Yeah, I will."

"Love you!"

"I love you too!" I say, shutting the door. Everyone's gone all out with decorating, with lights so bright it looks like Jesus is descending onto Earth.

"Dude, do you have any idea what Clay and Karl are dressing up as?"

"Are you still onto that?"


"You're literally going to see them in a few minutes. I'm pretty sure you can wait that long. All I know is that Karl looks hot. He sent me a snap earlier, and I almost died."

"Simp." He scoffs.

"Have you seen him, George? Who wouldn't simp for that man?"

"I'd rather not answer." He shot me an offended glare.


sapnap's ready for a sleepover





 jesus christ i look so hot








georgie i wanna see how you look




      you will you impatient bitch

Karl's house was massive. Nick said something about Karl, but I wasn't really listening. I wait for him to pull over in an empty spot, so that we can go inside. I was bursting with curiousity about what Clay was wearing. He made it seem like such a big deal, that I wouldn't be surprised that it was something so outrageously simple, and he was just enjoying riling me up. The street was lined with cars, signalling that there were a lot of people here. I didn't mind, since I knew that I'd be hanging around with just a few select people throughout the course of the night.

"You ready to go?" Nick asks.

"Yep." We get out of the car, and Nick made a quick call to Karl, telling him we were here.

"He said that they'd be in the back." He spoke over the music, his voice barely audible. When we got it, Nick maneuvered through the house like second nature, almost like he'd been here before. I held on to whatever I wanted to say, deciding on a better time where I wasn't being squished to death by half-drunk and half-naked teenagers. Apparently, the 'back' was just the backyard, which was relatively empty, from what I could see. We stepped through the immaculately white French doors, and I think my heart might've stopped. My brain is definitely melting. Clay's standing there, in a black cheerleading uniform, which would look ridiculous on a guy otherwise, but he's totally rocking it. Why does he look hot? I think I'm going to combust.

"You were not wrong, Sapnap."

"You look like a sweaty tomato, George."

"Justifiably so."

"Now who's the simp, huh?" He says, bumping my shoulder.

"Still you, Sap." He groans, and rolls his eyes. Our presence is greeted by excited, drunken hollers from the boys. My cheeks are practically flaming, when Clay drapes a careless arm around my shoulders. Sapnap smiles discreetly, looking at both of us. 

A/N: the second part will be posted soon! i forgot to write george's birthday in cuz i forgot, so if it seems like an afterthought, it probably is

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