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Our group had split down the middle, and Clay and I were caught in the crossfire. We'd text throughout the day, since Nick and I were back at our previous table, surrounded by no one at all. It was boring, not hearing Tommy and Tubbo screaming, Ranboo sighing loudly at them, and Wilbur telling us stupid jokes. Occasionally, Clay would come to talk, but Nick didn't participate in conversation. Today, Nick was staying back to talk to the teacher about a deadline, so it was just

temporary inconvenience


im done with them fighting


same tbh

it's getting annoying

temporary inconvenience

can you and sap meet me in the library in 5


yeah okay

Luckily for me, Nick is literally just walking in. He sees me, and quickens his pace. I notice his eyes momentarily wander towards Karl's table, which is full although it's missing Clay and Karl. Nick sets his stuff down on the table.

"I need to go to the library to return a book, do you mind coming with?"

"Seriously, George?"

"Yeah, sorry, I forgot to tell you about it." He sighs.

"Fine. Only because I love you."

"Okay, Sapnap."

"Hey! You're supposed to say it back." I roll my eyes.

"I must not tell lies." He slaps my arm, and I laugh. I've missed this. But one thing I haven't missed is the ungenuine brave face he's putting on.

"Jesus Christ, why is the library so far away?" Nick complains.

"Dude, we're almost there. Just try not to faint." I say, snickering. The library is right around the corner now. The brown doors come into view, and I make sure Nick's around. I push the door open, smiling at the librarian. She seems a little surprised to see Nick, but she doesn't comment.

"Quickly, George." Nick says, exasperated.

"Calm down dude, standing in a library for five minutes won't tarnish your reputation."

"Yeah, yeah, just get it over with." He sits down at an empty table, and I take this time to look for a familiar blond. I maneuver between some shelves that seem to tower above me. Clay's near the young adult section, just like the first time I had a proper, civil conversation with him.

"Where's Karl?"

"He's around here somewhere."

"What are you planning, Dream?" I lean against the shelf, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Just tell Sapnap you need help with some books." He whispers.

"Okay." I quickly text Nick, telling him I knocked something over. Meanwhile, Clay texts Karl.

"Now we wait." Waiting, apparently, entails Clay flipping through random pages, and me staring at how damn attractive he looks. I'd never admit that out loud, obviously. Two different sets of footsteps are heard, and I quickly straighten up. Not that that's entirely possible because... well, you get it. It's weird when both Nick and Karl reach us at the same time. Nick looks at me, waiting for an explanation.

"Talk it out. Don't give me some bullshit about not being ready, because we're just about done with you two arguing. Karl, tell him what you said to me." Clay doesn't wait for an answer, and grabs my wrist, pulling me along with him.

"What are you doing for Thanksgiving?" He asks abruptly.

"My mom and I'll probably watch the Real Housewives or something." I respond. That's what we do every year.

"Would coming to my house for dinner be a good change of scenery?"

"Are you inviting me to your house for dinner?"

"Well, yes." His hand rakes through his hair.

"We'll be there." I affirm, directing my attention anywhere else but Clay. I focus on Nick whisper-yelling, and Karl trying to put his point across. A few seconds later, the roles are reversed, and I can sort of tell that Nick is trying to keep it together. I sort of zone out for a moment, but I snap out of it when I hear Clay saying my name.

"What?" I hiss.

"They're not talking."

"You reckon we should check it out?"

"Yeah, I reckon we should." He mocks my accent, but it's so terrible that it's almost unacceptable.

"Never do that again."

"Whatever, you're just jealous that you never had an accent as fabulous as mine."

"Dream, I'm literally British."


"Let's just check that they're not dead." I say, rolling my eyes. The sight we're met with is sort of uncalled for. Nick and Karl are intensely making out, and I look away, feeling like I'm invading their privacy. It's not a lot of privacy if they're snogging in a library, though. After being stunned momentarily just like I was, Clay clears his throat, making the two boys jump apart.

"Good to know this is sorted. We should probably get to class now." Karl and Nick quickly attempt to straighten out their clothes, and I stifle a laugh.


Clay drops me home, since Nick's driving Karl. Perhaps, they'll take a few pit stops, if you catch my drift. I thank Clay, to which he just grins. I open the door to our house, and my mom is on the sofa, the TV blaring.

"I'm home!" I yell.

"How was school?" She screams back. Instead of raising my voice again, I sit down next to her.

"It was good. Sapnap and Karl are talking again. More than talking, in fact."

"Spare me the details."

"Oh, also, Clay invited us to Thanksgiving with his family."

"That's nice. I'm assuming you accepted." I nod my head sheepishly. "Ask him to ask his mum to send over the details."

"Yeah, alright. I'm going to do homework now." I don't wait for a response, and go to my room. My acceptance letter is pinned on the pin board above my desk. The board, which is slightly bare, has pictures of me and Nick scattered throughout. Some of them are recent, and have Karl and Clay appearing occasionally. One particular favourite of mine was a picture taken on Halloween of just Clay and I. The pictures are pretty cute, and have elicited some comments from my mom which I expertly deflect. My eyes drift back to the letter, sweeping over the text, reaching on one particular word.


A/N: yes Dream's name's saved as 'temporary inconvenience' in George's phone. i'm just a comedic genius /j

also my mental health is literally at rock bottom, so if these chapters are slightly choppy and/or abrupt it's because i write at night to sort of vent

anygays, not edited or proofread(i trust myself enough to not make too many mistakes) 

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