The Truth

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A/N: Song used here is j's lullaby(darlin' i'd wait for you) by Delaney Bailey :]

I've been dreading breaking the news to our group, especially Nick. I've been avoiding the topic for the last week, shunning the creeping guilt whenever it showed up. It's Thanksgiving today, and I don't think I can keep it from Clay today of all days. I've told my mom about this problem, and she said that although it was selfish, moving away, it was something I've been dreaming of forever, and that I need to fulfil it. She's right. I shake myself out of my thoughts, and do the last buttons on my black button-up shirt. I look in the mirror, ignoring the dark circles growing under my eyes. I can do this.

My mom glares at me, signaling for me to smile, as we're standing outside Clay's house. She rings the doorbell, and the door opens a few seconds later. Clay's wearing a forest green or pale yellow shirt that goes well with his eyes.

"Happy Thanksgiving!" We exchange awkward greetings, and he ushers us inside. I don't miss the weight of his hand on my back. I set down the pie that my mom made, and walk behind Clay into the kitchen.

"Oh! You must be George." She offers me a kind smile which I easily return. She turns to Clay. "Tell Drista dinner's ready." He nods, and leaves the kitchen.

"Do you need any help setting up, Mrs. Huff?"

"Please, call me Evelyn. And no, you're too polite." I manage a laugh. "Clay talks about you a lot. I can tell why. You've got a good head on your shoulders."

"Thank you." I say, flustered. Heavy footsteps are heard behind me, and I almost collide into Clay.

"Careful, George, wouldn't want to hurt yourself." I don't reply, but my blush deepens tenfold. A girl about Tommy and Tubbo's age walks in with a glass in her hand. She looks very similar to Clay, so I assume her name's Drista.

"Is this George?" She asks Clay, who nods. "He's cuter than you described."

"Drista, leave." Drista laughs, but leaves the kitchen.

"Why don't you two boys sit outside for a minute? I'll have to set the table."

"We can help."

"How two-faced are you, Clay? You never help around the house, but when your friend's here, you want to look good." She makes a sound of distaste, but it's not malicious. Clay simply laughs, and drags me to the dining table. I sit down, and he sits down next to me. A sudden brush of fur against my leg makes me yelp and jump. Clay beams, and reaches below the table, holding a brown-black cat.

"Meet Patches. She usually doesn't take to strangers, so consider yourself lucky."

"She's so cute." Tentatively, I reach out my hand to pet her head. I wait for her to react, and when she doesn't retaliate, I continue.

"I think she likes you."

"Of course she does. Have you seen me?"

"More than once, yeah." I ignore the comment. "The first time Karl met her, he left with a scratch on his arm."

"Oh, um."

"Dinner!" Evelyn's carrying a huge tray with food, and she places them all carefully. "Clay, no cats at the table." Clay drops Patches, who scrambles away up the stairs. Drista sits across Clay, smirking at him evilly. Mom plops herself down next to Drista, and strikes up a conversation about the regular topics of school and extracurriculars. Evelyn brings out a turkey too, and slides into a chair herself.

"Drista, go call dad." Drista nods, and excuses herself from the table. I glance at Clay, who was already looking at me. Unknowingly, I smile a little. Evelyn and mom sigh collectively.

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