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Everymon was piling out of the stadium after a huge football game happened. Plasma Town High won the game so celebrations were happening

Speed began to narrate: Everymon secretly thinks they've figured out what their life is gonna be like, but what no mon ever considers is that life has its own plans for you, whether you like them or not. And so you're left with a choice. You can either embrace the change and move forward, or fight it, and be left behind.

A Flareon was in the middle of the stadium staring out into the town skyline.

Two mon approached the Flareon, one was a Bisharp with a broken leg, he was on crutches. The other was a Gengar

Bisharp: "Dude! I knew you could do it."

Gengar: "That was some touchdown, dude. You won us the game!"

The Flareon shook his head: "Hey, no dude. We won us the game."

Another mon approached them, it was an Electabuzz

The Electabuzz tossed a football at the Flareon: "Solarflare, great game."

The Flareon now identified as Solarflare caught the ball

Solarflare: "Hey, thanks, coach."

Electabuzz: "I'm not the only mon that noticed. Lot of scouts in the stands tonight, and after that touchdown, they all pulled out their cell phones. You're gonna get your pick of colleges, son."

Solarflare: "You really think so?"

The Electabuzz smiled: "I know so. You get home and celebrate with your girlfriend."

The Coach walked away and Solarflare was ecstatic. He threw the football on the ground and it bounced back up

He kept an eye on the ball but behind it he saw a yellow light go straight into the sky

Solarflare looked on in awe. But it quickly turned into panic as an orange bubble of light quickly expanded, the Flareon's eyes went wide

Solarflare: "Everymon, run!"

Quickly the stadium became chaos and everymon ran for their lives

The Bisharp was making his way to the tunnel on his crutches but he collapsed

Solareflare: "Hey, hey, come on, dude, I got you!"

The Flareon picked him up

Solarflare: "We gotta get inside the tunnel!"

They started heading toward the tunnel, the Bisharp got inside but Solarflare had to close the doors

He almost had them closed but the orange wave hit the doors sending the Flareon crashing into the wall and knocking him unconscious

Then the dark matter was absorbed by the Flareon

2 YEARS LATER – 6028


Robert was on the gurney, his head and paws were lit up with blue flames and he was seizing

Trace: "Hold him steady!"

Speed then held the Ampharos in place, Pearl was checking his vitals

Pearl: "He's dropping out!"

Trace was positioning a device he made for Robert

Pearl: "Trace, we're losing him!"

The device was properly positioned

Trace: "Got it!"

Eeveelution Squad AU: The Flash (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now