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The team was gathered inside the Cortex checking over everything one last time

Pearl: "All breaches are closed."

Speed pointed at the last dot seen on the map: "All except that one."

Jay: "The last way to Gaia-602."

Alex walked in and looked at both Speed and Trace: "Ready?"

Speed nodded: "Ready as I'll ever be."

Trace nodded as well

Alex: "Alright, grab your stuff and lets head downstairs."


The team had arrived in the basement, Speed, Trace and Alex were all set up for their adventure to Gaia-602

Jay: "Speed, listen to me. You're about to go through the looking glass. You're gonna see things that look and feel familiar, but they're not. Up is down. Black is white, and do not let yourself get sucked in emotionally. Good luck."

Speed nodded: "Look, if we're not back in 48 hours, that means that Zoom has us. If that happens, you have to close the breach."

Pearl shook her head: "We're not gonna do that."

Alfred nodded in agreement: "You get yourself back here in one piece, alright? Don't make me come and get you."

Speed laughed at this: "No."

The Jolteon hugged his adoptive father one last time before their adventure started

When they broke from the hug, Pearl hugged Speed: "Be careful."

Speed smiled: "I will."

The Espeon looked at Alex: "You too, Alex."

Alex smiled then looked at Alfred and shook his paw

Alfred: "I hope you get your daughter back."

Alex: "I'll make sure you get your son back."

Trace was standing on the left side of Speed. Alex walked over to the right side of the Jolteon

Alex: "You don't have to do this."

Speed nodded: "Yeah, I do."

Jay: "Once I turn the speed cannon on, the three of you will be able to pass through unharmed, but Speed, you need to make sure you keep a constant velocity."

Speed nodded

Jay added: "Do not get distracted by anything you see along the way."

Trace: "What are we gonna see?"

Jay smirked: "Everything."

Speed: "Do it, Jay."

Jay nodded and turned on the cannon, the breach formed opening the gateway to Gaia-602

Speed grabbed both Trace and Alex: "Okay, let's go."

The Jolteon ran through the portal with both Alex and Trace. Jay wasn't kidding when they literally saw everything. In front of them was another planet far ahead but to their left and rights were multiple images of other realities.

There was one where they saw a Jolteon wearing a white mask, wearing a black coat and held a blade in his paw.

Another one was a Jolteon with a blue LED in his head walking next to a female Glaceon.

They also saw a Gardevoir wearing a dark blue suit flying through the air. On the center of the suit was an "S"

One of the realities had a Jolteon holding a small Eevee and Sylveon running away from a bunch of police

Eeveelution Squad AU: The Flash (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now