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Trace was at the main desk, he was on comms. Lazuli was nearby

Trace: "Speed, there's a high-speed chase heading south on Milton Ave."

The car started to speed up. Trace had a joystick right in front of him

Trace: "Oh! Oh! You wanna play? Okay! Alright. Get ready to bring it!"

Speed was in the treadmill room running on the treadmill. He had motion sensors all over his body

Lazuli called out to him: "They're not slowing down."

Speed groaned: "Of course not!"

Trace then yelled: "They're headed for the Fifth Street tunnel. Satellite can't project in there!"

Lazuli yelled back: "What? You just thought of this now?"

Trace: "I didn't think he'd actually try to outrun The Flash!"

Speed looked at Lazuli and threw his foreleg forward and called out to her

Speed: "Lightning toss!"

Lazuli looked over at Trace: "He wants to do the lightning toss!"

Trace: "Nope. No lightning. It's a hologram."

Lazuli: "No. No, no. The wind-up!"

Trace realized where she was going with this

Trace: "So we can block their field of vision. Yes! Of course."

He took a deep breath: "Alright, Trace. This is where all those countless hours gaming in your basement are about to pay off."

Trace started moving the joystick around in circles around the car until it stopped

Speed walked back into the Cortex after and took off the motion trackers panting heavily

Speed: "I need a breather."

Lazuli also walked in: "I didn't think this hologram thing was gonna work, but so far, so good."

She gave Trace a paw-three and Trace started laughing

Trace: "It's pretty genius."

Alex walked in: "It's not gonna last."

Trace sighed: "There it is."

Alex: "It's not gonna be long before somemon figures it out."

Lazuli: "Okay, well, without Speed's powers, this is as good an idea as any."

Alex scoffed: "Actually, I beg to differ. I think a better idea would be to rebuild the particle accelerator to get Speed's powers back."

Speed sighed: "Yeah, Alex, that's what you keep saying. But look at what that explosion
did to this town."

Trace: "Not to mention, last time we tried something like that, we blew a hole in the universe and created, like, 50 portals to your Gaia."

Lazuli: "Which is exactly how Zoom and his henchmen got here in the first place."

Alex sighed: "I told you. I know how to contain the explosion."

Speed laughed: "You know how to contain a dark matter explosion that, last time, just radiated all of Plasma Town? You tried this on your Gaia, remember? Didn't go so well."

Lazuli added: "And, even if you could contain it, I thought you said that Speed couldn't tap into the Speed Force anymore."

Alex sighed: "It wasn't connected the first time he got his powers."

Eeveelution Squad AU: The Flash (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now