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Speed was speed reading through a book while narrating

Speed: "I let it happen again. I trusted somemon I shouldn't have. Jay Forest. Zoom. Just like I trusted Alexander Wells, or Shade Thawne. You see what I mean? I made the same mistake twice."

He tossed the book after reading through it

Speed: "I thought they wanted to teach me how to use my powers, train me to get faster, but they didn't come here to help me. They came to use me and take everything I love away from me."

He walked up to a clearboard where there was a bunch of calculations about the Speedforce

Speed: "But no more. I'm gonna crack the code. Figure out how to improve my speed. I'm gonna train harder, get stronger, and run faster than anymon's ever run before. And then I'm gonna stop Zoom."

Trace walked in carrying a stack of books, he looked at Jay's helmet and had a vision. He dropped all the books

Trace: "Yo. Can we please get rid of Jay's helmet?"

Speed shook his head: "No, sorry. It keeps me motivated."

Trace: "Well, it's giving me daymares."

The Luxray picked up all the books and gave them to Speed

Trace: "This is everything I could find even remotely related to increasing speed. How are these supposed to help apply the speed equation to you?"

Speed sighed: "The answer's got to be here somewhere."

Pearl walked in holding a tablet: "I think I found something interesting."

Trace: "Good interesting or bad interesting? 'Cause that word could go either way."

She pulled up the information on the tablet and put it on the TV. It was Speed, Shade and Jay running next to each other

Pearl: "After running some comparative data, it appears that you, Reverse Flash, and Zoom are moving your legs at essentially the same speed."

Trace: "Then why are they so much faster than him?"

Pearl: "Best I can tell, with each stride their paws spend less time on the ground, thus propelling them forward much faster."

Speed sighed: "By almost 30%. Great. Alright, well, I got to make up that difference somehow."

Pearl: "Speed? Look, after what that monster did, I want to stop Jay just as badly as you do...But what if the reason you haven't been able to run as fast as him yet is because you just can't?"

Speed sighed and walked out of the Cortex leaving both Pearl and Trace confused on why he walked out

TIMESKIP - 1 Hour Later

The team was in the Cortex, Speed just came up with an idea how to solve his problem

Trace: "You mean the 'old' Alexander Wells? As in Shade Thawne? You want him to teach you how to run faster?"

Pearl: "How are you gonna do that?"

Speed smirked: "By running back to a time last year."

Trace: "And what about the other you, the mon from that other timeline?"

Speed shrugged: "I'll knock him out with something. I mean, he's not like he'll see me coming, and then I'll have Wells teach me."

Pearl: "Speed, that's crazy."

Eeveelution Squad AU: The Flash (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora