Chapter 8: Confessions

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***Avery"s P.O.V.***

After finishing my Chinese food, I made my way to the coffee shop where Tyler asked me to meet him. I honestly have no idea why he's here - I skipped my afternoon classes and it's only 1:30.  Before I went inside the coffee shop, I examined the exterior. It was a quaint shop near the fountain in the center of the mall. It looked like a very traditional joint, where the people were very polite and down to earth. Steeling my nerves that I had no idea I had, I entered the coffee shop.

The strong scent of coffee invaded my nose as I opened the door. I looked around for anyone that looked remotely like Tyler. In the middle of my searching, a hand beckoned to me from a booth near the counter. Smiling at my very lame friend, I slid into the booth in front of him.

"Hey," I said with a smile, which he eagerly returned.

"I thought you wouldn't come."

"When have I not agreed to meet you?"

He chuckled. "Good point."

We sat in silence for a bit, enjoying each other's company. After a while of this staring, the look in Tyler's eyes changed to express an emotion I couldn't decipher. I subconsciously leaned in, watching him do the same. We were pretty close to kissing, and I wasn't complaining.

When our lips were inches away from each other, a voice said, "I'm really sorry to interrupt, but somebody got really uncomfortable with your PDA and told me to tell you, and I quote, get a room."

We jerked away from each other, our faces red with embarrassment. I looked up to see a tall redhead looking really nervous and awkward. "Are you ready to take your order? Or do you need a bit more time to decide?" she asked with a smile.

Tyler was the first to recover and said, "Two caramel mochas, please."

"I'll be right back with your order," she grinned and walked back to the kitchen to make the coffees.

After the waitress left, silence came upon us once more, and it got awkward fast. Tyler excused himself to go to the bathroom, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Why did Tyler want to kiss me? More importantly, why was I about to let him? We're just friends, I thought to myself. Nothing more. 

"You okay?" a timid voice asked me . I jumped and glanced up to see the waitress. She had come back with our orders. "You seem a little upset about something."

I contemplated my answer before sighing and replying back with an, "I don't know."

"You need someone to talk to?"

I nodded. "Yeah, that would be nice."

"OK," she said, sliding into Tyler's seat. "What seems to be the problem? I have a strong feeling it has something to do with that guy you were about to kiss earlier."

I laughed. "Sorry about that."

She shrugged, "No big deal. I've had to deal with worse situations, and I've only been working here a month!"

We shared a laugh before she got serious again, "Seriously, what's up?"

I told her everything, from the day I found out my boyfriend cheated on me to just five minutes ago, and she listened.

"And I have no idea what the hell is going on -" She cut me off.

"I'm sorry, but I have to say this. How oblivious are you?"

I was taken aback. "Oblivious to what, exactly?"

"How can you not realise that your best friend has an insane crush on you?"


A really shitty cliffhanger, I know. Please don't hurt me. i won't leave you out in the cold for too long. I had no idea what Avery's reaction would be, so I ended it here. New chapter up tomorrow, maybe earlier if I finish in time.

Vote! Comment! Please don't come after me!

-ineed_a_life (AJ)

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