Chapter 1: Friends and FLAPPY BIRD

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"Aves, get up," a feminine and slightly Spanish said, lightly shoving me.  "Go away," I groaned.

Just when I thought that the voice was gone, I was roughly shoved to the floor.

"OW! What was that for?!"I yelled.

"Calm down! It's not my fault you broke your alarm clock! " my best friend Tina retorted. Technically, me breaking my alarm clock was her fault . She tried to wake me up on a Monday morning for school. As you may have guessed, I HATE MORNINGS with a passion.

Muttering profanities under my breath, I gotvout of my duvet and trudged off to take a shower.

Throwing on a pair of skinny jeans,  a white ruffled top and gladiator sandals,  I grabbed a brush and went into the bathroom. I let my gair down today, showing off my natural wavy waist - length brown hair. I swiped my mascara wand across my eyelashes, making my brown eyes seem brighter than ever.

After completing my morning routine, I trudged downstairs to the dining table and grabbed a granola bar. I munched on it thoughtfully and took out my phone. I played some Flappy Bird before glancing up  at the clock.

Crap! I only have an hour till school starts!

Bolting through the front door, I jumped into my red mustang with Tina rushing to jump the fence from her house next door. When she finally got into the car,  she looked out of breath.

"Why wont you wait", she stated, panting.

I rolled my eyes and took off down the street to Tyler's house. Tyler is the classic  heart breaker next door (not literally). He is about 6'1 and has brown hair and emerald green eyes. He is still single, surprisingly. 

Tyler emerged from his home, waved and jumped into the front seat.

"Hi,T. Hey,A", Tyler said.

"Hey,  Ty", Tina and I said in unison.

We sat in comforting silence as I drove us to school.











"I hope Brandy doesn't come today. Or ever again."remarked Tina.

Her shoulder length brown hair was curly as ever, accenting ger chocolate brown eyes. 

"Agreed", replied Tyler.

Brandy Lopez was William High's Queen B (I think it's B for bitch)  who has managed to sleeo with the entire sports team(excluding Tyler, of course!) . Her obviously bfake bleach blonde hair falls below her shoulders and her bright  baby blue eyes(that are obviously contacts) .

"Speak of the devil and she shall appear", Tina stated, looking to the front of the building.

There in all her glory(please note the sarcasm), was the real life Barbie doll(and probably just as old too) clinging to her newest boy toy.

"Let's just go to class before we have to start a conversation with her royal highness, the queen of whores" I replied as we walked into the school building.








Hello. I will try to update as often as I can,  as I have school. Expect an update by Friday.


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