Chapter 1: Questions on an Ordinary School Day

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"Avery, let's go to class," said Tyler. "Hold up, lemme get my stuff," I grabbed my stuff for math and closed my locker.Before I even turned around, I was slammed into my locker. I winced as a shock wave of pain went up my spine.

Whoever pushed me into my locker was gonna pay. When my vision cleared I saw a smug-faced Brandy standing in front of me.

Who does this bitch think she is?!

"Nice to see you too. How's life? Still sleeping around, I suppose?" I asked. "Don't be a bitch. I came to talk to you. " she said. "Look who's talking, " I replied looking her up and down. She sneered. "Lemme get to the point. STAY AWAY from my BOYFRIEND!!" she stated.

"Why should I?" She knows that I don't give two shits about her boyfriend. "What bad taste he has in women. Or your species."

"You take that back! You asshole!" yelled Brandy. "Excuse me. What right do you have to be talking to me right now? What right do you have to be calling me an asshole? And I don't give two shits about your boy toy. So step off! Talk your shit to someone who cares!" I yelled.  "You would care if you knew his name," she retorted with an evil smirk.  I gestured for her to continue. If she kept me waiting any longer, I would be late for class.

"His name is-" The bell cut her off. Thirty seconds to detention and counting down. "Bye," I said with a wave before I hightailed it to class.









"Thank God I wasn't late," I rejoiced as Tina and I made our way to World History. She burst our laughing at me as I got on my knees and clasped my hands together. "Stop laughing at me," I muttered as we entered the nearly packed classroom. Good thing we have a pair of desks saved in the front. No one sits at the front in this class.

"Good morning class. Today, we will be learning more about the history of our government. Please turn your textbooks to page 354..." Mr. Parks droned on. This is gonna be a long day, I thought to myself as I listened to Mr. Parks' boring lecture.







(*to the end of school*)

"FINALLY!!!" yelled Tina as we got into my car. "Okay, T, calm down," her boyfriend, Andy said, putting a hand on her shoulder.  Andy is about Tyler's height and has messy black hair and ocean blue eyes. He has a light hearted personality and loves to make fun. I dropped Tina and Andy off at Andy's house and began to drive home.








At the traffic light near my house, I saw a smiling Brandy walk up to a brunette who looked a lot like my boyfriend of six months, Brandon Carr. He was the captain of the football team at a school across town. He has brown hair (obviously) and emerald green eyes. Anyway, the dude stood up and kissed Brandy before taking her to a white car with heavily tinted windows.

Okay then, I thought to myself as I drove off towards my house. A dozen questions buzzed around in my head as I parked my car.

Who was that I saw with Brandy?

And what does he have to do with me?







I apologize for the late update. I had last minute homework to do and school started on Monday.  I had no time.


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