Part 5 - SEG

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I know I want to make changes around here and use my position as member of the council to do so but this time...I think I might have screwed up.

"Miss Abberline?" He sounds annoyed, which is understandable...



"What are these cats doing in my office?" This whole situation is kinda funny, Lin keeps sneezing because she's apparently allergic to cats, William is rubbing some bellies and Tom is glaring at me in a brand new way.

"Who knows hahahahaha." He narrows his eyes at me. Forget what I said, there's nothing funny about the situation. I'm scared for my life! "It's just for a few hours just the time for the association to get these...poor abandoned kittens..." I plead but he keeps his hard face.

"I want them gone, right this instant." he replies just as one of the kittens starts playing with one of his sleeves, he doesn't pay any attention to the poor baby and I guess I take the anger that should have been directed to the cat instead...

"They'll be gone this afternoon, I just saw them this morning in the field right behind The Royal and I just couldn't leave them, they were starving and-"

"C'mon, they're cute." William cuts in, pleading in my favour!

Tom glances at him quickly before picking the kitten up only to place it on the floor and away from his desk. "You promised you would stop making a mess, I knew I should've fired you the first time you messed up. And what were you even doing in that field?"

"I was painting." I reply as soon as he asks, I feel like a soldier who has no other choice but answer the questions and do what they're told.

"You paint?" He frowns.

"Y-Yes..." why does he seem so surprised? Of course my parents forced me to take painting lessons, to be honest it was either that or sewing but it's been growing on me and now it's just a way for me to relax, and I really needed it, to relax, after the Richmond cocktail.

"Next time you do something like that, you're fired." He threatens and I roll my eyes.

If I had a twenty every time he said that I would be laughing on a yacht already...


"So we're going to Japan?" Kala is restless beside me.

"Yes, but it's not before another two weeks so you might wanna hold your horses!"

"And where are we going to stay?" Another voice asks, right, I forgot that every time at lunch, many students come find me just to ask me questions, as unique member of the council I am the only student in charge of transferring information between the head boy and the rest of the school, so here I am doing the job of ten people on my own.

"A hotel not far from Kyoto, we organised all kinds of outings!" I answer, it's not like I mind the contact to be honest, I've always felt comfortable around people. And I like to talk!

"Will boys and girls be mixed?" A girl asks. Apparently some people have particular expectations for this trip...

"What about first year students and second year students? My boyfriend is in his second year and I'm in first year, will I be able to see him?"

"If you both manage to get into the trip then of course, you and your boyfriend will be able to see each other at all times! But no, boys and girls will have their own separate floor of the hotel and you'll be sharing your room with somebody else."

"What floor do I fit in?" Alexa asks, a bit pissed, she's a transgender and suddenly I realise that we might have forgotten to discuss that with the others.

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