Part 13 - Mr. Lipplepouth's mission (Part 1)

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Lipplepouth, a name that sounds fake, a name that sounds made-up, a face we've never seen and a mystery that keeps thickening.

Mr. Lipplepouth is an investor, he spends a large amount of money to support PAAZ every year and though in a close and cordial relationship with us members of the administration, we've never actually met him...

I've heard about him before. His name came up during a few conversations and everytime it was the same thing, the same cool atmosphere spreading across the room, the same expression in their eyes, most of the time it's like he doesn't exist until he gives us "news".

Basically he just sends us letters, never emails, it's always on some fine paper of collection in a fancy envelope sealed the old way with some wax, and tells us what event we should attend, what we shouldn't attend, he's like one of these mobster bosses that monitor everything while remaining in the shadows.

I'm new here, but Lin, William and Tom seem to fear him. We just received a letter from him and, first things first, I wonder how he knows we're in Japan...But I guess he just knows everything.

I look at my fellow students and am surprised when I spot different emotions in their eyes at the sight of the enveloppe. Tom and Lin seem startled, like they know what's inside.

William on the other hand, looks genuinely indifferent, it's like this letter is the definition of 'boring' but I can spot a very discreet hint of annoyance in his eyes too. There's a long silence as we all stand around this letter from the mysterious man and then, breaking the wordless moment at the same time, my loyal partners all mutter: "with Lipplepouth, everything always goes south." Everything always goes south?

They know something I don't, all of them

"So he's back..."

"It would appear so."

"What should we do?"

"We have no choice, we must follow his instructions."

They sound like they have a mine in front of their eyes and must disarm it before it explodes and kills everyone. They're really scaring me.

"You need to tell me about Lipplepouth, why do I need to know about him?" I inquire, doing my best not to sound worried.

"He sends us letters every now and then, as you already know, these letters are always the start of something that doesn't end well. But...we must do it, he's one of our main investors and it is our job as members of the administration of PAAZ to take upon this responsibility," Tom informs me, keeping his eyes on the letter like it could jump on any of us, any second.

"We must sacrifice ourselves for the cause," Lin interjects, muttering those words like she's about to faint. Is he gonna ask us to sell our bodies? Participate in some horrible child-trafic? Go and hang out with some deadly mobsters?! What is it?! Why are they so scared??!

Tom opens the enveloppes, carefully, warrily, as we watch him intently. He wanders his eyes on the freshly opened letter and a frown slowly settles on his face before a sound of disgust erupts from his throat and he slams the letter back on the table. "What is it?" I ask as Lin starts reading what's written.

She rolls her eyes and the same sound of disgust erupts from her throat. I snatch the sheet of paper out of her hands and read:

Dear and adored members of the administration,

I'm glad this letter found you for it is time to partake in some leisure activities and 'relax' for the time of your stay in the country of the rising sun. I, humbly, took the decision to sign you up for the famous "オリエンテーリング", the orienteering race of Kyoto.

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