Chapter 10

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Sierra is amazing after last night with the whole Toni thing she still managed to crawl in bed with me just to sleep. It was the best sleep I had in a long time. She also made me a wonderful breakfast this morning. Cleaned the kitchen and still had time to lounge around with me for a bit before she had to leave.

I just dropped her off at her Mother’s house because her car still wouldn’t start this morning and her Mom said she had a present for her. I won’t get to see Sierra for the rest of the day because she and Madison have plans to talk and just to hang out. I thought that was very forgiving of her after what Madison had done to her at the party.

I get back home and I jumped in the shower tying to remember every little detail that just happened in the past 24hrs. I didn't want to forget anything. I had a crush on Sierra since I saw her four years ago and I just couldn't believe she had left my house this morning. I was already hooked on her. I wanted to see her again very soon. Like now!

I have dated women in the past but nothing really serious except for one relationship and that ended badly. I was with her for two years and I caught her cheating on me with some random chick in our bed. Ever since then I haven't really allowed another woman get to close to me. I was scared that the same thing would happen again. But Sierra was different. I can feel it in the way see looks at me and the way she makes me feel. Her eyes are so comforting. It makes my whole body completely at ease.

It takes me about thirty minutes to get showered and dressed. I throw on a black skirt, a white halter top that shows my bully button piercing, white sandals and a few accessories. I grab my cell and keys and throw them in my purse and walk across the yard to see my parents.

I walk into the back door without knocking and I see my parents practically having sex on the kitchen counter.

"You guys do you have to do that while I am here? That's so gross!" I say putting my hands over my eyes and hoping my mother buttons up her top. Actually it doesn't bother me that my parents are so affectionate because most of my friend’s parents have either been divorced or have died.

"Young lady this is our house if I'm not mistaken, and you could have knocked." My dad said but not taking his eyes off of my mother.

"Yeah, yeah! I just wanted to know if I could use the beach house for a few days? I need a vacation before my internship starts."

Mom looks at me with an evil grin "Sure honey, take all the time you need. You know where the keys are and the code for the alarm. When will you be leaving?"

My dad tries to say something but mom puts her hand over his mouth. I look at them weirdly, "What's going on mom?"

"Oh nothing honey have fun!" Mom says as she starts to suck face with dad again.

"I'm leaving tonight and will be back in about 10 days!" I yell as I leave my parent’s house.

They can be so weird sometimes but I love them more than anything. When I came out to my parents a few years ago they were very supportive. They said that they knew way back when I was about 16 years old and they were just waiting for me to tell them. They actually placed a bet when that would be and mom won. Dad had to take her back to Italy to visit some family.

I practically run up my stairs and start to throw random clothes in a bag. I have a few things at the beach house but nothing to personal. Dad sometimes let his partners from the firm use it for their family getaways. Personally I think it’s for their mistresses but I don’t care as long as my dad isn’t one of them to take women up there. Which I know he would never cheat on mom, I can tell by the way he looks at her. They have so much love for each other.

Damn it. What about Sierra? I grab my purse and dig out my phone and send her a quick text.

‘Hey beautiful! Just textin u to let u know that I will be going out of town for a few days. I will  miss u. Maybe u can come up on the weekend if u don’t have anyhin planned. Don’t worry about ur car it can stay here as long as u need it to. Xo.’

I put my phone back in my purse and grab my bags and put them in the kitchen. I go in the storage closet to grab kitty’s cat carrier and food. “Kitty come here baby we are going in the car.” Kitty comes out of the spare room meowing and practically running in the cage. Strange cat. I say to myself. Most cats hate the car because of all the noises.

I start to carry everything downstairs and debate on what car to take. I would love to take my motorcycle but I have way too much stuff with me. I really don’t want the SUV, so I guess I’m taking my convertible. It’s a 2012 Bentley Continental convertible. I love this car, of course it is purple. If I can’t ride my bike I guess the next best thing would be the convertible then. I just hope kitty doesn’t mind the wind, if she does I can always put the top up. I put my stuff in the trunk and Kitty on the floor in the front. Hopefully the wind won’t be too bad there.

I set the alarm and open the garage door and exit my parent’s property. It’s only about an hour drive but I still have to stop at the grocery store for food. I look down to see that I have almost a full tank so I don’t need any gas.

After getting groceries I make it to the beach house just before noon. I could drive with my top down today it was still too cold for me. One thing I don’t like about May in California I find it too cold for me and windy. It looks like there is going to be a storm tonight. It’s a good thing I grab some extra candles and batteries I think I might need them. I don’t mind thunderstorms I will just make a fire and read with a nice bottle of red wine.

I park the car in the garage and unload everything starting with Kitty first setting up her food and liter. I’m starting to feel I little tired seeing how I only had a few hours of sleep thanks to a certain sexy Sierra. Mmm, Sierra! A smile plasters across my face. I put everything else away and head towards my room and collapse on the bed and pass out.


Sorry about thr font it went really small.


Lawful (girlxgirl lesbian)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें