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CHAPTER 12       


I wake up and it’s shortly after 6pm. Deciding that it’s too late to go to the beach for a walk, I head downstairs to make myself something to eat. I’m not that hungry so I think a salad would be fine for tonight. While I’m digging in the fridge for my salad I hear my phone making a beeping sound telling me I have a message. I look around for my purse and I spot it on a chair by the front door.

A smile comes across my face when I see it’s a text from Sierra, but as I read the text and realize she won’t be coming this weekend the smile leaves my face. She said she is going on a vacation that her mom had given her. Deciding to call her and not send her a text, her voicemail kicks in right away without a ring. Oh, that’s right she is spending time with Madison tonight. I guess I have to text her then.

‘Hey beautiful, I’m sorry that you can’t make it this weekend but I hope u have a great trip and call me anytime u want. I will miss u and will be thinking of u. Kisses.’

I walk back into the kitchen and continue to make my supper. Kitty come rushing down the stairs and goes over to her dishes. They are empty and she looks at me and starts to meow non-stop. “Okay Kitty geesh, I will fill your dishes up for you. Don’t look at me like that, I said I was sorry. Man you can be so high maintenance you are worse than most women. But I love you.” I fill up her water and food dishes and continue to make my salad.

After eating and pouring myself a glass of red wine and decided to make a fire to curl up to and read a nice trashy romance novel, my mother has tons of them lying around here. As I snuggle under a blanket and sit in a chair by the fire Kitty jumps on me and starts to knead in my lap. I read for about two hours then I feel my eye lids start to get really heavy. I guess it’s time for me to go to bed.

 I put the screen on the fire pit and I feel a little buzzed. I guess that one glass of wine really hit me hard. I think the lack of sleep from studying the last few weeks has caught up with me. I have been so tired lately. I fold the blanket up and put my empty glass in the sink before walking up the stairs.

I take my hair out of the ponytail and throw on some boy shorts and a tank top. I barely get settled into bed before I hear a thunderstorm off in the distance. Great hopefully I can just sleep through it and when I wake up in the morning it will be beautiful out so I can go to the beach. I lay awake for another minute or two before I drift off into a deep sleep.


When I wake up it’s around 7am. I stretch and head towards the shower. Today is going to be a real lazy day. I’m going to pack a small lunch and head to the beach and read all day. Just me, my blanket and that trashy romance novel I started yesterday. It wasn’t half bad I could see why my mother was addicted to them.

After my shower I decided to skip breakfast and just pack a bigger lunch. By now it was about 8:30 and the sun was out nice and bright. I had checked the forecast earlier and it said it was going to be a nice 75 degrees out but I packed a sweater just in case I get a little chill from the breeze coming off of the water. I place everything in my beach bag and head out the back door and down the stairs to the beach. As soon as my toes hit the sand I stand there for a minute and wiggle my toes. I love the feeling of warm sand in my toes.

After a few minutes I head towards the end of our property line where there are few large rocks. When I wanted to escape from my parents when I was a kid I use to hide behind these rocks because it was the only place they couldn’t see me from the deck.

I sit down on the nice warm sand and get my book out from my bag. I leave the food in the bag not wanting bugs to get in and start to let the romance take me away as I read my novel.

Lawful (girlxgirl lesbian)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz