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When I get home from my exam, I strip out of my clothes and hop into the shower. I needed to be at Mom’s in half an hour, so this shower has to be quick. I already had my outfit picked out and it was waiting for me at Mom’s along with my shoes and other accessories. I like to be totally organized and ready for any curveball that might come my way.

As I step out of the shower I hear a knock on my door. I open up my bedroom door and see Madison standing there grinning at me like the Grinch.

“Hey Chica, do you mind if I bring a date to the party”, she asked?

“No it’s alright, but I do need a favour from you” I said to Madison.

“Yeah sure what is it?” she asked

“I want my hair to look hot tonight, could you do something to it for me?” Your hair always looks amazing” she said.

“Sure, not a problem but why do you want it to look hot? Are you going to hook up tonight Sierra”she asked, raising an eyebrow at me?

I didn’t want to tell her that I wanted to look amazing just in case Julia showed up. She would quiz me and I would never make it to the party tonight.

“No, I’m not you know me better than that, I just want to look nice tonight that’s all”, I replied.

“Okay, but your beautiful as you are. You know that right? I tell you all the time that you are one hot Chica”, she says winking at me.

“Yeah yeah, if I was that hot why am I single?” I asked.

“You want to be single that’s why. You are so focused on your studies that you don’t even know what’s in front of you”, Madison said dropping her eyes looking at the floor.

“Madison, what are you saying?” I asked her.

“Nothing let’s get your hair done.” she said.

Madison pulled me into my bathroom and started playing with my hair. I tried a couple of times to ask her what she meant by what she had said but she kept changing the subject. I wonder if she likes me. Nah, not Madison, we have nothing in common; we aren’t even that good of friends really. I need to find out later what she is talking about but right now I need to focus on getting this party up and running.

When Madison was done with my hair I looked hot and I was only wearing sweat pants and a tank but I still looked really good. Madison has mad skills when it comes to hair. If she decides not to become a lawyer she defiantly could pursue the hair dressing business.

I grab my purse, keys and cell and throw on a pair of flip flops and head out the door. I’m about ten minutes late but once mom sees my hair I don’t think she will care all that much.

I arrive at Mom’s in fifteen minutes. I open up the trunk of my car and take all of the decorations out. I close the trunk and I don’t even bother to lock the doors. If someone wants to steal that piece of junk they can have it.

Man I hate that car. Half of the time it doesn’t even run. I’m going to need to get a new car, something reliable for when I start my internship this summer. I can’t show up late because my car decides not to work that day.

There were over fifty people who applied for the internship at my Dad’s old company and they only had five spots. Madison got one, and of course so had I. I think my Dad being a partner at the time of his death had something to do with it but I will just have to go in there and prove to them that I got there because I deserved it.

Lawful (girlxgirl lesbian)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin