Bathroom Bullying

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       I was still sprinting down hall. My legs were starting to feel kind of heavy. Luckily I made it to the 8th grade hallways girl's bathroom. Since I knew Veronica would have followed me into the bathroom right next to the cafeteria. She was too new here to know about this one.

       As I stepped in I made a beeline towards the sink. As I wash washing my face I heard footsteps entering the bathroom. Great, of course I couldn't be alone.

        I turn towards the entrance expecting to see an 8th grader. But, it was Sheila and my old friends. I knew damn well they weren't here for a friendly chat.

       "Is something wrong?" Sheila mocked as she moved towards me. Samantha and Rachel both laughed like what she said was funny. I opened my mouth to say something. But, she then said, "You know you're looking like some over-ripe tomato when you exited." "You think she has a little crush," Rachel says with a devilish grin on her face.

       "I don't!" I screamed. "Oh is someone getting ange." Samantha sneered. "I think she might..." 

    I went over and punched Sheila in the gut. She winced in pain and held her stomach. Then, I attempted to kick her down. But, Rachel and Samantha both tackled me to the ground and pinned me down. 

    "Oh, you are so gonna get it" Sheila threatens. She starts kicking me in the stomach. I howled to pain and tried to break free by lifting Rachel and Samantha's arms off of me. I get only a quarter up before they started punching me in the face. Now I was flailing around. 

     But, I was already fading out of consciousness. Everything was a white, pink, and red blur. Then, I was gone.

     When I came to I saw a white curtain and I felt like I was lying on the bottom of a bathtub. I then heard an old lady say, "I'm glad you found her,Jessica, who knows how long she was lying there." "I'm just glad she'll be okay, Miss." a voice that I assume belong to Jessica said. 

     I tried to get up quietly. But, the pain began searing throughout my whole body and I groaned in pain. Upon hear this one of them went towards me and opened the curtain. 

    It was the old lady and she appeared to be wearing a white lab coat. She smiled at me and introduced herself as Doctor Wormhole. Then, she held up three fingers on her hand and asked, "How many fingers am I holding up." 

     Did she think I was dumb? Seeing my reaction she added, "It's to make sure you didn't sustain any serious brain injuries. Now, please answer the question." "Three." I mumbled. 

     "Do you remember what happened? Or who could have done this?" she asked. I would have said right then and there that it was Sheila, Samantha, and Rachel. But, I remembered that they never intervened before when I said this. So, why should I now? 

    I shook my head. Doctor Wormhole sighed, "I guess that should be expected. Well I'll call your parents to take you home. Okay?" I nodded.

    She then went to her desk and picked up a binder. She starts filing through it before she asks, "Last name?" "Hopkins," I reply. She then turns a few pages and dialed the phone number.

      "Haley!" I hear  Veronica shout. Then, she runs with a red-haired girl tagging along. She was obviously curious about how I was doing. 

       "Are you okay?" the red-haired girl asks. "I'm fine, could be better." I said. She and Veronica smile. 

        "I don't know if you heard. But, I'm Jessica." Jessica says. "Yeah, I heard the doctor say you found me. What time is it by the way?" I ask. "2:20," Veronica promptly responds. 

          Then, she grabs me into a hug. I wince because of the pain. Which makes her apologize and pull away. But, I pull her back since it felt nice.

        "You guys seem to be very close." Jessica states. "Yeah, she's my friend." Veronica responds. Which didn't quite sit right with me for some reason.

       "Haley, you're parents said they're gonna be hear soon." Doctor Wormhole said before turning to Jessica and Veronica, "And, you two should go to your lockers and pack up." Jessica didn't hesitate to leave. However, Veronica stayed for at most five more minutes before leaving. "See you tomorrow!" she exclaimed before rushing out. 

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