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Lust giggled as he said "yes it is but at the same time no it's not...." Drean sighed "why?....Why did you not say anything? Why didn't you try to make them pay?" Lust pet dream's head before letting memories flow to dream. Dream chock and gagged as he flew back as the memories made him sick as he cried "I-I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry i..i.."Lust hugged dream who was trying not to puke and slowly started to fade "I...I'll be back, just...wait......ok?" Dream disappeared.

Dream shot up from his seat and ran to the bathroom and vomited as doc(Medicaltale! Sans) rushed in. "Dream you ok? Are you ok?" Dream whimpered as he took deep breaths to calm his shaking soul. "I-I'm fine...I just had some...issues while trying to find lust's consciousness." Dream lied softly as he panted for what he saw.

Med was confused as he said " at least let me check you over as it's clear you probably have some strain from using your magic or stress of having to use it in negative manner" dream sighed "fine" doc smiled as he check dream over before passing him a bottle of water "here drink" Dream nodded as he drank the water.

Dream sighed as he looked to lust "how far along is he now?" Doc looked at lust's papers "15 weeks along" Dream blinked as he tried to figure it out "that's.....two months right?" Doc didn't answer as he was paged which made Dream uneasy "right?" He murmured softly as he got nervous "med?"

(Sorry for the long wait just had lot to do also I should be able to start making more quicker updates in the future but sadly I not positive so sorry in advance for any long wait in the future)

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