Chapter 5

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Lust screamed as they continued to hurt Error. Error looked to lust then shoved them away and focused on lust and muttered" ሞትንና ጥፋትን የሚወድውን ነፃ አወጣዋለሁ" Lust yelled as he realized what error was doing"n-no error don't!"

Ink was confused along with everyone else before snapping out of it and yelling "get him!" They moved to the two who seemed to be focused on something else.

Error yelled out"ያፈቅረው ለነፍሱ ደስታን ያሳየ ፣ አንድ አድርገን አንድ የሚያደርገንን አፅም ሰብሬ የበለጠ ሁለት ጊዜ የበለጠ አደረገኝ! ” 


A blast of magic swirled before tearing at the two who it most effects while making the rest fly from the winds it created. Pink was lost and screamed " BROTHER!!!!!"

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