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Okay, I'm Lee I love to write, I personally don't think I am very good at it but other people seem to like it so here I am writing another book. I hope you like it!

The train ride from Las Vegas to New York was three and a half days long. I would be on this train for three whole days and a half. This wouldn't be something I would normally mind if everybody and their brothers didn't know who I was.

I never liked the popularity, I was the kind of person who liked being on their own. I don't ever feel lonely. I'm not sure why I never feel lonely, maybe it's because I have always been alone and I just don't know what it's like to not feel alone. If you don't know what you are missing you can't miss it.

My dad wanted to reschedule my train because he couldn't get me the top-of-the-line room that he wanted me to have for the three days that I was going to be on the train but I had somehow convinced him that it was fine.

I was on m way to my room on the train when I accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going," I said to whoever I bumped into.

"Watch where your going next time will ya?" A man with short dirty blond hair and deep blue eyes told me angrily in a thick southern accent.

"Jeez, I said I was sorry" I muttered under my breath.

The man started walking when I saw him slip something into his pocket. I checked my pockets only to find that the cash my dad had given me was gone. He took it. He took my money.

I started at the man who had stolen my money walking angrily, preparing to fight. The one 'un-lady-like' thing my dad ever let me do was take self-defense.

I got to the man and swept my foot against his ankles effectively knocking him off of his feet. I then started searching his pockets only to find my money in them.

"Why are you stealing from me?!" I yell at him. No one else is around so nobody heard me.

"Sorry" he muttered looking down at the ground.

The man couldn't have been more than nineteen and even that was pushing it, why would he want to steal from me?  As he was getting up I started to look at him, really look at him. his face was all dirty, his clothes were torn and battered, he also looked underweight.

He is stealing the money so he can have something to eat. The thought hits me then. He needs food and doesn't have any money to buy it.

"Keep it," I told holding the money out to him. He needed the money more than I did, I didn't even need the money at all. There were about one hundred dollars there and he could use it to buy himself food or something.

He shook his head and refused to take the money. "I mean it, I want you to have it," I told him sincerely.

He shook his head again looking down at his feet. "Please?" He shook his head again.

"Fine don't take the money, I just want you to tell me one thing"

"And what would that be?" he asked me.

"What's your name?"

"I'm afraid I can't answer that sweetheart"

"First, it's the least you can do, and second don't ever call me sweetheart," I said glaring at him.

He sighed before answering "Noah Hayes"

"What?" I asked looking up.

"My name, Noah Hayes," He said turning and walking in the opposite direction. I didn't think he would give up that easily.

"Amelia Ford," I told him as he walked away.

"I know," he told me not turning around.

After he was out of sight I turned and picked up my bags and headed to my room.

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