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Okay, I'm Lee I love to write, I personally don't think I am very good at it but other people seem to like it so here I am writing another book. I hope you like it!

After I had disposed of the agents I went back inside to care for Noah. He was terribly injured. The agent had shot his leg when I ran at him and he had a black eye, and multiple cuts on his face and arms. I wouldn't be surprised if he had a concussion.

I started by cleaning and bandaging his cuts. After that was done I started to work on removing the bullet. He was lucky it didn't hit any major arteries only a few small veins. Once I had the bullet out I bandaged his leg.

I couldn't check for a concussion until he was awake so I waited anxiously for him to wake up. If he did have a concussion being unconscious wasn't good for him, he could slip into a coma. I did not want that to happen.

After about an hour later he finally started to stir. He woke up very disoriented and worried. He started looking around the room crazed looking for me. I was making dinner when he woke. I quickly ran into the room and tried to calm him down.

"Hey, I'm right here, I'm fine," I told him gently touching his cheek. It took him a minute but he finally calmed down. When he did calm down the adrenaline wore off and he started to be more aware of his injuries. He winced when he moved to lay down.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him worried.

"Not too good" he replied honestly. I nodded and got him some ibuprofen and water. I handed him the pills and he took them gratefully. After he downed the bottle of water he looked up at me with one eye because his other one was now swollen shut.

"Look at me," I told him. He turned to me and I looked into his eyes for any sign of a concussion. I asked him to follow my finger and he did but late, slow and sluggish. I opened his other eye to examine his pupil and sure enough one was larger than the other.

"Do you have a headache?" I asked him.

He winced when I spoke and nodded. He definitely had a concussion. "Okay, are you hungry?" I asked him now whispering as to not make his headache worse. He nodded weakly, more than likely he would be sluggish and feeling terrible for the next few days because of the concussion and blood loss.

I went to the kitchen to get him some food. When I came back into the living room he was trying to stay awake. I handed him his food and sat down next to him on the couch. "You're going to have to stay awake, you have a concussion and I don't want you slipping into a coma."

He nodded weakly and ate his food. "What happened?" He asked voice hoarse.

"You left this morning into the woods, I have no idea why but my dad's agents came after you I shot one in the foot, knocked one out, and killed the other, but before I could get to you the last one knocked you out."


"Before you tell me I should have run or hidden or not killed them don't. They had it coming, I was going to let the first two live but they knew our location."

"You said the first two there were three."

"I know the last one called me sweetheart, he was dead either way."

He sighed before saying: "We are going to have to leave, they know where we are and we aren't safe."

"I know, but we have to stay until you are healthy."

"Fine, but the second I feel well enough to go we're going," He told me.

"Okay, no lying though about your health." He nodded and leaned back onto the couch.

"You are a handful you know that?"

"Yeah, I know, but you love me."

"Yeah, I do"

I had to think about that. Noah Hayes just told me he loves me, That is a lot to take in but there was one question I had to ask myself.

Do I love him?

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