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What could we do now? We had nowhere to go, no way to get there, and could only trust each other. I think even Noah was struggling with that. We can't go back to the cabin, and Las Vegas is too risky, my dad has eyes everywhere. The only place I could think to go was the cabin to get Izzy and Tyler. It was risky but I feel like we have to go and get them. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to them because of me.

I turned around and started to head in the direction of the cabin. Noah stopped and looked at me with a confusion written on his face before catching up to me and grabbing my wrist. "What the hell do you think your doing?" He asked me staring into my eyes.

"Going back for Izzy and Tyler," I told him simply before starting to walk again. Soon he stopped me again.

"It's too dangerous. We can't ever go back." He told me sadly looking into my eyes.

"We have to at least try, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to them because of me."

"Well, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you because of me."

I sucked in a deep breath before walking closer to him. I put my hands on either side of his face and tried to reassure him. "I'll be fine, I can handle myself- you've seen me handle myself. But Tyler and Izzy they can't, they need us to help them. So I'm going with or without you, I just really hope it's with you." I tell him not looking away from him once.

He stepped away from me and sighed. He looked back down at the ground and stared at the grass for some time. "Amelia, I-" He paused, thinking. "I can't," I looked up at him with tears starting to form in my eyes. "I have to do what's best for me, and what's best for me is to never go back there, I'll be put in prison if I'm caught again."

I looked back at him with hatred now. I only thought about him, and his safety, now that I'm thinking about someone else's e is going to leave. I look down at the ground and then back up to him. "You are a selfish criminal, and a terrible person! I have been nothing but selfless and now that it isn't benefiting you, you decide that it isn't worth it and leave! Well I hope your happy with your decision!" I tell him turning around and running in the direction of the cabin.

I regret what I say as soon as it leaves my mouth. I don't mean any of it. I guess it all slipped out, but I can't go back and say I'm sorry now, that won't change the fact that I said it and I still t have to get to Tyler and Izzy. So I continue running faster and faster.

The further I go the more I regret going. I wish I would have stayed with Noah now that I'm gone and will more than likely never see him again. I find that the more distance I put between us the harder it is to not just turn around and find him, tell him how sorry I am and beg for his forgiveness.

By the time I reach the cabin I finally found the answer to my question. I am one hundred percent in love with Noah Hayes. The Noah that lies, and cheats, and steals his way through life. I am in love with that Noah.

But now he will never know.


A/N: Sorry for not updating in so long, I am going to try to make updates more frequent now. I hope you liked the chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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