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Okay, I'm Lee I love to write, I personally don't think I am very good at it but other people seem to like it so here I am writing another book. I hope you like it!

The room was pretty nice for a bedroom on a train. The room was pretty small but it fits what it needs to. There was a small twin-sized bed pushed up against one wall and a dresser on another. On one of the other walls, there was a door leading to a small bathroom. If this was the small low-grade one that my dad didn't want me to use, I didn't want to know what the other room looked like.

I put my bag on the floor by the dresser not planning on emptying it because I was only here for three days before I was in the go awful boarding school. I decided that I would look around the train and find something to eat considering it was around twelve in the afternoon.

I soon found myself in the food car getting myself lunch and was surprised to see that there was only one other place to sit. Right across from Noah. Of course with my luck the only open seat was across from the one person on this train that hated me.

I reluctantly sat down across from Noah who glared at me as soon as he figured out I was sitting with him. "hello" I greeted him kindly.

"Look, I don't want anything to do with you and I'd prefer you to leave me alone and not come within a ten foot radius the rest of this train ride, but I know that is not going to happen so it would be nice that when you are inside my ten foot bubble just don't talk," He told me his accent becoming more prominent the angrier he got.

"Sorry, I was just trying to be nice" He only huffed and started playing with his sleeve.

He didn't have any food in front of him, I don't even know why he was sitting here in the first place, or why he stayed.

I set my apple in front of him not saying a word. He didn't touch it for a little while, but after about five minutes he started to bite into the apple. I smiled triumphantly when he finished the apple that I offered him.

After I was done with my lunch I headed to my room and took out my favorite book by Stephanie Myers: The Chemist. I was only to chapter three when the door opened and to my surprise no other than Noah Hayes walked in.

He jumped when he turned around and saw me. "What are you doing here!" He yelled at me.

"This is my room what are you doing here!" I yelled back.

He didn't answer, he only stared at his holey shoes. I then realized he probably doesn't have a room. if he can't afford food, how could he afford a ticket?

"You don't have one, do you?" I asked him.

"I-I'll just go," he said avoiding the question and turning to leave. Before he could get to the door I grabbed his wrist effectively stopping him. He could have pulled away if he wanted to, he could leave and I wouldn't stop him, but he didn't he stayed and stared at me.

"No, stay."


"You can stay in here with me" I offered.

"Oh, no I can't let you do that"

"Yes you can," I told him realizing that for the first time in a long time I wanted someone to be with me, I specifically wanted him with me. I wasn't sure why I all of a sudden felt something for him but I did, and whatever it was it was strong and I was going to let my feelings take over, let my feelings control me.

For once I was going to let my heart lead and not my head. My mother used to tell me 'the heart wants what it wants, sometimes you just have to listen to it' and that is exactly what I was doing. My heart wanted Noah, and I was listening to it.

Little did I know letting Noah in my room was going to change my life forever.

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