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Okay, I'm Lee I love to write, I personally don't think I am very good at it but other people seem to like it so here I am writing another book. I hope you like it!

I was running as fast as my feet could carry me. I was running away from the train station, away from boarding school, and away from my life. I was running side by side with it Noah toward his cabin just outside the big city.

We ran for about half an hour before we decided to stop and rest. We stopped in a big field of grass and wildflowers. It was beautiful and I would enjoy myself much more if we weren't running away, but of course, I had to be running.

I looked around in my bag until I found the water bottles that I put in there before we left. I took two of the bottles out and handed one to Noah. We sat in the field for another fifteen minutes before we started walking again.

It was getting dark fast soon we could barely see ten feet in front of us. The moon was our only light and let me tell you it did not offer much light.

After another fifteen minutes, it started to get brighter and I was confused considering it was still eleven at night. I looked behind me to see where the light was coming from only to be blinded by the headlights of a police car.

Oh no! My dad had the police looking for me! Noah grabbed my arm and pulled me of the trail that we were walking on and behind a tree. We waited for the police car to go away but it didn't, the policeman was getting out of the car and searching on foot.

"Amelia!" The officer called "Amelia! Are you out here?!"

I didn't answer I only grabbed Noah's arm and ran. We had to get away, far far away from here. I ran through the woods dogging sticks and branches until we were far enough away that we could emerge from the woods.

I took out my phone and looked at the news and saw my face everywhere. There was an Amber Alert and every news channel out there was covering my sudden disappearance. I handed my phone to Noah and he looked over all the articles and papers before handing it back to me.

"This isn't good," he told me shaking his head.

"No it isn't, we will just have to be extremely careful"

He sucked in a deep breath before nodding his head. We walked for another hour or two before finding a cave that we could spend the night in. I camouflaged the entrance so it looked like there was no opening to the cave before going to bed.


The next morning we woke up and started walking right away not wanting anyone to find us. We walked for three hours before stopping to eat. We each ate a granola bar before walking again.

I couldn't wait until we reached the cabin. Being able to rest would be nice.

After another four hours, we started to hear the sounds of the big city telling us we were getting close to the cabin. I could hear the cars rushing by, the horns blaring, the people talking, all the noises of the city.

Soon after we heard the noises we came across a small little cabin and if Noah hadn't have pointed it out I would have missed it. I turned to Noah practically jumping up and down with a big smile on my face.

"This is it," he told me smiling.

"I love it!" I told him grabbing his arm and pulling him to the door. He grabbed a key from underneath the doormat and opened the door.

The inside was very homey and it looked amazing. It wasn't big but there was enough space for three people to live comfortably. When you walked in there was a couch and a lazy boy on top of a nice area rug. To the left, there was a kitchen with a dining table and in front of you, there was a hallway that led to a bedroom and a small bathroom.

It was perfect and I was so happy that this is where I would start my life, where I would truly start living, with Noah.

My name is Amelia Ford and for once I am enjoying my life.

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