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Okay, I'm Lee I love to write, I personally don't think I am very good at it but other people seem to like it so here I am writing another book. I hope you like it!

I woke up the next morning in the cabin. Noah wasn't next to me, I think he got up to get breakfast. I got out of bed and got dressed in a yellow plaid coat, a white cropped shirt, and pants that matched my coat. I also slipped on my combat boots and all of my jewelry. 

After I was dressed I left the room to go and find Noah. I looked all around the house but I couldn't find him anywhere. I went outside and started to worry when I didn't see him.  I started checking the perimeter and shouting his name. 

"Noah!" I yelled looking around the cabin. 

"Amelia!" I heard him yell from behind the cabin "Run!" 

Why was he telling me to run? I ran inside the cabin to find the gun that I had seen later the other day while looking around. I grabbed the small handgun and loaded it slowly heading to the back of the cabin. I had the gun pointed down at the ground as I walked slowly to the corner of the cabin staying there, back pressed against the wall listening. 

I didn't hear anything other than heavy breathing so I took a deep breath and rounded the corner holding the gun out in front of me. When I rounded the corner I was met with something I never wanted to see. 

Noah was on his knees, his nose bleeding and he had a black eye and multiple cuts. He was being held up by some of my dad's agents. All of their heads turned to see me holding the gun at them. 

"Hey, Amelia put the gun down your going to hurt yourself, your safe now" the agent- Mark told me in a calming voice. 

"I was perfectly fine before you came along," I told him.

He looked confused and started walking toward me slowly. "Hey calm down you are safe now, he can't hurt you," Mark told me again. 

They thought he was hurting me? They had it all wrong. They were hurting me more than anything right now. 

I cocked the gun and aimed it at Mark. "Let him go," I told them in a deadly tone.

"What? No, he is going to juvie for what he did, you don't have to defend him anymore"

"Let him go, or else," I told him again. 

"Or else what?"

"I shoot you" 

"You wouldn't," He told me.

"Wanna bet?"

He stayed silent. "Let him go," I told them again. "I won't ask again"

"No" It was Noah that spoke this time.

"What?" I asked him turning my attention away from Mark.

"Amelia, go you don't have to do this," he told me after coughing up blood.

"They'll kill you," I told him. 

"Yeah, and if you stay they'll take you" 

"I'm not leaving," I told him sternly. I wasn't going to let my dad kill him,  there was no way in hell, I was going to let that happen, not now not ever. 

I turned to Mark and shot his foot and ran towards the agents that were holding Noah. I ran up to them and knocked one of them out. I turned to get the other one but he was too quick and already had a gun held up to Noah's head. 

He smiled evilly and pressed the gun to Noah's head harder. If I shot him he would shoot Noah. If I went after him he would shoot Noah. If I so much as move he would shoot Noah. There was only one thing that I could do that wouldn't result in shooting him. 

I dropped my gun and raised my hands up above my head. "You can have me, just let him go," I told the agent. 

"I'm afraid I can't do that sweetheart" That was the second mistake he made. The first was holding a gun to Noah's head and the second was calling me sweetheart. 

"You are dead," I told him rushing to my feet and running to the agent. I grabbed a small knife from my pocket and stabbed his stomach.  I twisted the knife before ripping it out. "Don't ever call me sweetheart" I told him before his eyes went blank, dead.

I turned to Noah to find him passed out on the ground. I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him to the house I laid him on the couch and went to handle the agents that I didn't kill. 

I went outside and grabbed the gun off the ground and shot both of the unconscious agents, dead. They learned that lesson the hard way. You don't mess with Amelia Ford. 


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