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We were in the van on what seemed to be a very bumpy road sitting in darkness. I am not sure where we are, where we are going, or how long we have been here. I was starting to worry Noah hasn't said anything since we were thrown into the van.

I had no idea what my dad was going to do to me when we got to wherever we were going but I knew that I would hate whatever it was. I was pulled out of my thoughts when the van jerked to a stop. I heard a big bang before the door to the back of the van opened and a bright light peeked through the door.

We were in one of my dad's many warehouses. I had no idea which one but I didn't really care right now. I looked over to Noah who wasn't even conscious. Oh no. Could he be in a coma because of his concussion? Or could the agents just have knocked him out? I wasn't sure which one it was but either way, he could have serious damage from both.

I tried to shake him awake lightly but that didn't seem to work. I shook him harder and shouted his name starting to worry when he didn't wake up. Did he truly slip into a coma?

I didn't have any more time to think about it because an agent came up to me and handcuffed my hands behind my back before doing the same to Noah. They brought us both into a plain empty room with a concrete floor and metal walls. There were a few scalings off to the side and two wooded chairs in the middle but other than that the room was empty.

We were shoved forcefully into the chairs where they tied our limbs to the chair and then left me in the room alone with an unconscious Noah.

After about five minutes none other than my father walked through the same door which we used to enter just minutes before. He walked painfully slow to the center of the room where I was trapped on my chair.

He bypassed me and walked up to Noah and slapped him across the face. "wake up jackass!" He shouted in his face. His head lolled to the side as he groaned. Dad slapped him three more times before he woke up all the while I was screaming for him to stop.

When Noah did finally wake up as soon as he saw my dad his face hardened and he glared at him, but I could see the pain in his eyes. I could tell that he wanted to look over at me but didn't considering my father was blocking his view.

I sucked in a deep breath and whispered to myself, "This is gonna hurt" Before pushing my chair off the ground and slamming it onto the concrete effectively breaking it. I got the ropes off of my hands before moving toward my dad.

When I got within arm's length of him he pulled out a gun and placed it against my temple. "You wouldn't," I told him.

"Your right, not to you," he said moving the gun to Noah. "But I will to him," He said smiling evilly.

"You are a monster," I told him in a cold tone before launching myself at him. I grabbed the gun first and pointed it at his head. I slowly moved to Noah's side and untied the ropes from his hands all the while holding the gun to my dad's head.

"You won't pull that trigger, and you know it," My dad told me.

"You really underestimate me, I never loved you, you are a statistic monster!" I told him before shooting his shoulder.

"You have a terrible shot," He told me laughing mechanically.

"Believe me if I wanted you dead you would be dead already," I told him before running off with Noah. We ran for an hour before we stopped deciding that we were far enough for now.

"What now?" Noah asked me. What now? We had nowhere to go, I wasn't sure what was next.

We were completely and utterly alone.

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