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Okay, I'm Lee I love to write, I personally don't think I am very good at it but other people seem to like it so here I am writing another book. I hope you like it!

"Really?" He asked me.

"Yes, I would love to have you stay here," I told him honestly.

"Uh, well I guess I'll stay here then," he told me. I squealed and dumped into his arms. He immediately tensed, but just as I was about to let go he hugged me back. All too soon he pulled back but I was happy with the progress we had made.

He started walking away toward the bathroom door. Soon after he disappeared behind the door I heard the water turn on. While he was showering I got my book back out and continued to read the book I had read many many times. You could tell by the appearance of the book that it was loved with its torn cover and its damaged spine.

When Noah came back out of the bathroom he looked much better and more refreshed. He walked over to the bed and sat down next to me. He looked over my shoulder and looked at my book for a minute before asking me what I was reading.

"The Chemist" I answered "My favorite book"

He nodded and laid down next to where I was sitting. I laid down next to him and snuggled close to his side. He showed no signs of discomfort so I stayed where I was.

Soon we started talking mainly about me and how I hated how I lived my life. "Where are you headed?" He asked me.

"Ugh, boarding school"

He chuckled "you don't sound too happy about it"

"That's because I'm not"

A look of confusion crossed his face as he furrowed his brows before he asked his next question. "Then why are you going?"

"Because that is what my dad wants me to do and I have no control over my life."

He nodded and looked deep in thought. "What about you, where are you headed"

"New York, after my mom died my dad got- " He stopped for a moment looking like he was choosing his next words. "Angry, he started to take his anger out on me, so I ran away. That happened when I was ten" He told me and I gasped and snuggled closer to him.

"So your dad -"

"Abused me? Yeah pretty much"

"Oh my gosh I'm so-" I started to say but he cut me off.

"Please don't tell me that you are sorry because I really don't like being pitted and I'm fine now, okay?" I sucked in a deep breath and nodded.

Before we knew it it was time for dinner. Noah wasn't making any move to get food so I got some for him. I made two plates of food and paid for them both. I dragged Noah over to an empty table with me and gave him one of the plates of food.

He shook his head and pushed the plate of food back towards me. I sighed and pushed it back over to him. "You eat it. I already paid for it and I can't eat that much food, please? And before you say 'I can't pay you back' don't worry about it. Please just eat." I told him.

He sighed and reluctantly started eating the food that I gave him. Over dinner, we asked each other questions. Everything was going fine when he asked me a particularly hard question.

"Why do you seem to hate your dad so much?" he asks me.

"Why do you think I hate him?"

"Whenever you talk about him you get this little Russian accent and you look genuinely angry"

I sigh before answering "My dad has always had complete control over my life and I hate it, I don't get to do anything that I want to. I have no freedom, I can't pick out my own clothes, I can't get a job, I can't even pick who I want to date, and if I do get lucky and dad lets me date someone they have to be middle class or higher, wealthy and I hate it"

I could see the way his face fell when I mentioned the wealthy middle class dating thing and I suddenly hated the rule even more than before now that I have met Noah. 

After we were done with dinner we headed back to our room and I took a shower and got dressed in some shorts and a tank top not planning on leaving the room again tonight. 

When I walked out of the bathroom I found Noah sitting on the bed with a small frown on his face. "what's wrong?" I asked him crawling onto the bed with him. 

"It's nothing," he told me shaking his head.

"It's something," I told him "just tell me maybe I can make it better."

"If your dad has complete control over your life like you say he does then you probably can't"

"You never know maybe I can"

He looked up at me and stared into my eyes and I stared right back into his. We both seemed to lean in at the same time and I let my eyes flutter shut. I was letting my heart lead and beacue of that I was now kissing Noah Hayes.

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