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When I woke up next it was still dark outside. I turned to the clock and in bright red numbers, it read 3:02 a.m. I sighed and snuggled closer to Noah trying to fall asleep.

After about a half hour later I gave up on all sleep and just laid there in bed staring at the ceiling when suddenly a loud bang came from the kitchen. Whether it actually happened or if I was just imagining it I wasn't sure, but I got up and out of bed regardless.

I silently walked to the door and grabbed my gun on the dresser just to be safe. I slowly opened the door and walked down the hallway with my back pressed up against the wall. My gun was pointed at the ground, safety off as I walked, I was scared but you wouldn't be able to tell by just looking at me.

The closer I got to the kitchen the more I heard little sounds like cupboards opening and closing or chairs scraping against the hardwood floor.

Just as I was about to round the corner that would lead me into the kitchen I heard small whispers and some quiet whimpering. I sucked in a deep breath held my gun up and out in front of me and turned the corner.

When I turned the corner I was met with five of my dad's best agents holding Tyler and Izzy on their knees with guns pressed to their heads.

When the agents looked up they seemed quite surprised to see me standing there ready to shoot at a second's notice. I tensed and cocked the gun aiming it at the first agent which was holding Izzy to the ground.

"Let them go," I told them in a deadly tone.

"Don't worry we won't hurt them," one of the agents told me smiling statistically.

"Really? Because the guns that you are holding to their heads say otherwise" I said tilting my head to the side.

"You didn't let me finish. We won't hurt them if you come with us- willingly"

I only stood there thinking this over. I couldn't just let them take me away, I couldn't stand another day in that prison cell some people called my room, and I had Noah to stay here for now too, there were two reasons to stay here.

But I also couldn't let them hurt Izzy and Tyler, or worse kill them. I was almost positive that was what was going to happen if I didn't go with them.

After about thirty seconds of thinking things over, I made up my mind.

"Fine," I told them dropping my gun, putting my hands behind my head, and getting down on my knees. 

"Let them go and I will go with you willingly," I told them honestly. They looked at each other for a brief moment before an agent came over to me and pressed a gun to my temple before throwing Izzy and Tyler onto the ground.

"Listen to me," I told them "Don't wake Noah until I am long gone, got it?" I said breathing heavily.

Izzy nodded and grabbed Tyler's arm hoisting him off the ground and they both ran into their bedroom.

"Wait? Are you talking about Noah Hayes? One of the most wanted criminals in Las Vegas?"

What? Noah was one of the most wanted criminals in Las Vegas? Me not answering must have given them their answer because two of the agents ran down the halls and came back with a very alarmed and very groggy Noah.

"What the hell is happening?!" he asked and when he didn't get an answer he shouted "Lia?" no answer "AMELIA!?" I didn't answer I only stayed silent looking at the ground as the agents hauled us into a rusty old white van.

What had I done? I dragged Noah into this and now who knows what they were going to do with him?

I only hopped that they wouldn't make him suffer.

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