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Okay, I'm Lee I love to write, I personally don't think I am very good at it but other people seem to like it so here I am writing another book. I hope you like it!

The next day Noah claimed he felt fine and after checking him over he seemed to be doing better. I still wanted to wait another day before we left just to make sure. I didn't want him hurting himself more than he already is.

I made him stay in bed all day because right now what he needed was rest, but let me tell you he did not like rest. I could never seem to get him to stay in bed. When I left the room he got up and walked around and when I came back he made up some sort of excuse as to why he was up. When I was in there with him he would have to go to the bathroom.

Halfway through the day I had finally had enough and I snapped. "JUST SIT DOWN AND STAY IN BED IT'S NOT THAT HARD!" I yelled at him.

"I'm sorry it's just- I'm sorry," He told me looking hurt. I immediately felt bad when I saw his expression.

"No, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you, I'm sorry" I apologized walking over to the bed and sat down next to him.

"It's fine okay? It's fine"

I nodded still not forgiving myself. I helped him back into bed and laid down next to him. I snuggled close to his side and we sat there enjoying the small moment of peace.


The moment of peace didn't last very long because about fifteen minutes later I heard a frantic knock on the door. I went to get up to see who it was when Noah stopped me. "Please, stay," I looked at him for a moment before the knocking started again. I pushed a gun into Noah's hands and headed out to the living room with my own.

I hesitantly walked closer to the door where the knocking continued each bang harder and faster than the last.

I turned the safety off of my gun and opened the door only to be met with a girl no older than sixteen looking at me with frightened blue eyes. "Hey, hey are you okay?" I asked her. She only looked at me and shook her head indicating no. I furrowed my brows and stepped aside, "Would you like to come in?"

She nodded her head and rushed past me. I took one more good look around to make sure she was alone before shutting the door and heading to the living room. The girl was on the couch practically shaking, she hadn't noticed me yet so I decided to take the time to take her in.

She had long blond, naturally wavy hair and deep blue eyes. She couldn't have been more than sixteen and was quite short. I walked over to her and sat down on the couch. "What's your name?" I asked her.

She didn't answer in words she only started moving her hands quite quickly. I was confused until I finally realized what she was doing. Sign language. I held up a finger signaling for her to wait. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a notepad and a pen. I went back to the living room I handed the items to her and she started scribbling away on the paper.

When she was done she showed me the paper.

My name is Izzy, I'm fifteen, there were these big men chasing me saying that I was dead. They hurt my boyfriend, Tyler. I'm scared and I need a place to stay.

"You can stay here as long as you like," I told her. "Could you describe Tyler, maybe then I'll know who he is if I see him?" She nodded and started writing on her paper again. 

Probably 6'2, dirty blond hair, pale, green eyes.

I nodded. "I'll do whatever I can to find him," I told her putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Amelia!" I heard Noah shout from the bedroom. The sound of approaching footsteps then filled my ears.

"I'm fine, in the living room!" I shout back.

He entered the room looking flustered and relieved at the same time. "I was worried," He told me just now noticing Izzy.

"Who's this?" He asked me pointing to Izzy.

"Noah, this is Izzy, Izzy this is Noah," I say to them both.

Just then we hear more banging on the door. What now?

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