(I) Dallon W. - Merry Christmas

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"Only one more day until Christmas." I say quietly and look over to Dallon who's sitting comfortably on the couch next to me with a hot chocolate in hand.
"I know, you're really excited aren't you?" He asks. This year would be our first Christmas together and I was excited to spend it with him.
"Mhm." I respond.
He just smiles over at me and shakes his head in mock disapproval. He acted like my holiday spirit was the end of the world but I knew better than to believe it. I could tell he was secretly excited to spend this year with me as well.
"Wanna go out tonight?" He asks.
He usually didn't go out. We would stay in and watch a movie, not that I had ever minded.
"Yeah, why not?" I ask.
He smiles over at me again and gets up. He walks over to the door and goes for his keys and wallet and we both start to bundle up in our coats and jackets.
"There's a lot of stuff going on downtown if you wanted to go check it out maybe? We don't have to take the car that way." He says.
"Just a walk?" I ask.
"I was thinking that would be pretty nice. Maybe we can stop somewhere?" He suggests.
Dallon locks up the apartment and we make our way out of the building. As soon as we exit the door he takes my hand in his, a light pink blush swiping over his face.
We hadn't been together long, but we had grown up together. He was just the shy boy next door that I happened to like for a few years. We had moved in together a year ago to save money, roommates are cheaper after all. After a while we started to fall in love and right around summertime we started dating.
"Do you remember the christmas party we went to a few years ago?" He asks.
I think for a second before I remember exactly what he's talking about and I let out a small laugh at the memory of what had happened.
"Oh no, wasn't I dating that one guy you set me up with?" I ask laughing.
Dallon had set me up with his friend two years ago and he had spilled his red wine all over my white dress.
"Yeah, and he left so I was stuck cleaning up when he spilled his drink on you. I don't think we can forget about that." Dallon says laughing.
I check the time on my phone. We always stayed out late on Christmas.
"What's the time hon?" He asks.
"Uhh, eleven." I say checking again.
He nods and we continue to walk towards the crowd before us.
"Ho ho ho, what would you like for Christmas?"
"Must be Santa." He suggests.
"Why not go ask him what you want for Christmas?" I ask.
"Maybe I already have all I need."
"And what would that be?" I ask.
"Let me think about it." He says.
"You have to think?" I ask.
"You." He says, with a huge smile.
He lets go of my hand and puts his arm around me and I cuddle into his side soaking up the heat from him.
I reach into my pocket and raise a small plant above our heads.
"Dallon?" I whisper.
"Hmm?" He asks.
All I do is point up and he smiles at me and raises his eyebrows.
"Well, I'm waiting." I say.
He rolls his eyes at me and leans into a long, sweet kiss.
"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" He asks.
"All the damn time." I say laughing. "I love you too, Dallon." I say smiling.
We continue our walk to a small table with refreshments.
"Hi, what can I get for you?" A girl asks.
"Just two small hot chocolates and two santa sugar cookies." Dallon orders.
He hands the girl ten dollars and collects our treats.
"For you, m'lady." He jokes, handing me my cookie and drink.
"Why thank you, kind sir." I mock.
"Anything for you, beautiful." He says.
I blush and turn away, taking a sip of my hot chocolate.
"Language." Dallon scolds.
"It's hot." I say, fake pouting.
"Aww, do I need to call an ambulance?" He asks.
"Are you making fun of me?" I ask.
"Maybe just a little." He shrugs.
I elbow him and we continue walking.
"LOOK!" I yell and grab his hand, dragging him along with me to the photography stand.
"Woah, woah, slow down there." He calls.
I drag him into line and he laughs.
"Photos, really?" He asks.
"You look so cute all bundled up." I say.
"Mhm, I'm sure." He says sarcastically.
"I'm being serious." I say.
He just rolls his eyes and I pull him up to the backdrop.
"Okay, smiles in 3... 2... 1..."
The camera clicks and we collect our photos.
"Merry Christmas sweetheart." Dallon whispers.
"Hmm?" I ask.
He points to the big clock tower that indicates it's midnight.
"Merry Christmas Dallon."

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