(S) Ryan S. - Need You Here

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A/N: there's a mention of blood but nothing graphic. Just an everyday injury.
I need you here
I need you here

Ryan being in tour was never easy. Especially this one. He and Dallon were on the last few days of their world tour for "Idk how" and he had been gone for nine months. I visited as often as I possibly could but it was hard. Even when I did visit he was often busy with music things that he would need to take care of. And being away on tour really was hard on the two of us. Even the FaceTime calls every few nights were starting to hurt because he wasn't physically with me. I just needed him to be here.

And if ever there's some place that I've got to be
Then I need you here with me

"Hey!" His voice rang through the speaker of my phone. It was late at night here but it was fairly early for him.
"Hey Ry, how's your been?" I ask him.
He sighs.
"It's been really stressful. We think we have to cancel tonight's show because most of our crew got food poisoning." He says.
"Oh that's not fun." I say.
"I wish you were here." He says.
"Yeah I know. I miss you." I say.
He nods blinking away a few tears.
"I'll see you in two weeks." I say.
"About that." He says.
My heart falls.
"We have to reschedule the show so I'll see you in three weeks." He says.
"Oh." I say.

There is no other place in this world that I'd rather be
If I can't be at home then I'll send my apologies

It had been two weeks since he told me they extended it to reschedule a show. He should have been home today.
I go to my room and change into my pajamas deciding on having a night in instead of going out with any of my friends. I just wasn't in the mood and couldn't be bothered.
I walk back out into the living room and turn on the TV. I glance at the clock that reads 9:47pm. And I sigh.
I flip through the channels and a knock sounds quietly at the door.

Can't you stay right here forever pretty please?
I need you here with me
I need you here
I need you here
I need you here

I ignore the door. If it was import they would knock again. Probably just some stupid door salesman. Or a murderer. Who knows what people do at nine at night. I hear a sigh from outside of the door and some things hit the floor. A wave of panic sets in and I my stomach flips.
Well, someone's probably breaking in.
I'm too caught up in my panic to notice the sound of a key in the door that I use the back of the couch as a shield and grip the remote to the tv tightly in my hand.
The second the door opens and I can see the figure clearly I throw the remote as hard as I can.
"What the FUCK!" I hear someone yell.
I know that voice.
"Ryan?" I ask.
I slowly come out of hiding to see him holding his head and blood dripping down the side of his face.
"What was that?" He asks confused.
"You weren't supposed to be home." I say.
"Surprise?" He says, but it comes out as more of a question.
I run over to him and pull him into a tight hug, him only hugging back with one arm.
"I wish you could stay here forever." I say.

And if ever there's some place that I've got to be
Then I need you here with me

"How bad is it?" He asks.
"Your face?" I ask.
"Yeah." He says.
"I mean it looks pretty bad but that's normal. Oh you mean where I hit you with the remote?" I tease.
He gives me a joking look of mock disapproval before I watch his face go back to it's confused expression.
"That was the remote?" He asks.
"Yeah. And it umm, there's a bump for sure. I think we should get it checked out." I say.
"Yeah." He says and sighs.
I grab his stuff from the hall and set it just inside of the door and we get into the car.
I drive us to the nearest emergency room and we check in.
"I'm so sorry." I tell him.
He smiles at me.
"As long as I'm with you I'm okay." He says.

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