(I) Ryan S. - Bad Day?

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I sigh and walk into my apartment slamming the door behind me. My boss was a dick to me all day and everything that could have went wrong did. I'm convinced the universe is out to get me and I don't know why.
First I slept through my alarm and was late to work. It was bad enough already. Then, I had spilled coffee on my shirt on the way to work so I showed up with a huge coffee stain. I twisted my ankle on the way in, and my boss wouldn't stop yelling at me about my sales numbers. I have wanted to quit my job forever but I feel like I won't be able to find anywhere else if I do.
My phone pings as I feel a tear slip down my cheek and it's my next door neighbor Ryan. We had become friends pretty quickly since I had moved in a year ago. We hung out frequently and I had started to develop feelings for him. He was funny and kind.
'hey I heard the door slam is everything okay?'
I go to type out a no but does he actually care?
'everything is fine just a rough day at work.' I respond.
'can I help with anything?' he asks.
'probably not. I'm gonna stay in tonight and be upset alone all night.' I respond.
'im sorry.' he texts back.
I grab my soft fluffy blanket and wrap it around myself sinking into the couch and letting the tears come. Why did today have to be so awful? What had I ever done that was bad enough to deserve this.
I hate feeling this vulnerable but at least I'm alone.
There's a knock on the door.
Okay so I'm not alone. I get up to answer the door, the blanket still wrapped around my whole body and head. My cheeks were tear stained and my eyes were definitely red and puffy.
I open the door to reveal Ryan standing there with a tub of ice cream and two cute plastic spoons in his hand and a smile on his face that quickly leaves when he sees my condition. His smile is replaced with a look of concern and caution.
"Hey, what happened?" he asks gently.
I just shrug and step to the side to let him into my apartment. He sets the ice cream on the counter and opens his arms to signal for me to get a hug.
I definitely don't object and I let him wrap his arms around me. I won't like and say Ryan was unattractive but he's my neighbor and I can't think about him like that.
"It's gonna be okay." he says. He continues to whisper sweet nothing's to me as I cry trying not to make too much noise. I was already embarrassed enough and I really didn't want to embarrass myself in front of him of all people.
I bury my head in his chest and he holds me tighter and lets me cry silently into the hug. He rubs my back in soothing circles keeping me close to him for a few more minutes.
"Do you want to watch a movie or something?" He asks. "To get your mind off of things."
"Yeah, that would be nice actually." I say.
I go to the couch and sit down, he follows me bringing the ice cream and the spoons.
"I figured cookie dough was a good comfort flavor." he says.
"Thank you, by the way." I say.
"No like, I don't think you actually get how much that this means to me. I am literally having the worst day today and this really helps. Thank you."
"It's really no problem. Anything for you." He says smiling.
I pull him into another hug holding him tightly against me.
He sits down right next to me and I cuddle into his side as much as I can. I find a movie for us to watch and we sit there eating ice cream and enjoying each other's presence.
It was fairly late when he had come over but it was nearing midnight now and I knew what he was about to say before he even said it but there was no way that I was ready for our night together to end so soon.
"It's getting late I should go." he says.
"Stay?" I whisper.
"Yeah, I can do that." He says.
He wraps his arms around me and moves the ice cream out of the way.
"Do you want to stay the night? I don't work tomorrow." I suggest.
"Yeah, I can do that." He says. "Are you feeling better?"
"Do you want to watch another movie?" I suggest, avoiding the question. I think he sensed this as he didn't ask again how I was feeling. He just let me cling to his side.
"Yeah, you can pick." He says.
I smile at him and I cuddle even further into his side enjoying his company.
"What are you doing this weekend?" He asks.
"Nothing." I say.
"Did you wanna go out sometime? I'm sorry if I just ruined this whole thing but I do really really like you." He says. "I have since you moved in here."
"I'd like that." I say smiling.
He smiles at me and presses a sweet kiss to the top of my head and we continue watching the movie.
I snuggle myself into him once more. Maybe today wasn't so bad after all.

BAND IMAGINESOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora