(I) Ryan S. - The Rock Show

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I was so excited to go to a show tonight. I hadn't been able to in a while but me and my friend were going to see some little band at the local bar.
It was a small local band called "The Brobecks" and I went to high school with the guys in it a few years ago. I had never talked to them though, my high school was huge.
"You ready?" Sofie asks me.
I nod and finish throwing on my eyeliner. She practically drags me out of my apartment and to the bar. We laugh all the way there and talk about how excited we are to see live music again. It had been a while since the last time. Plus, I knew Ryan. We never talked but we had a class together in sophomore year. He was nice.
He was the kind of guy that would ask if you were okay if you were noticably upset. I actually had talked to him once now that I think about it. It was right after a breakup I had gone through and I had been crying all day. In class he came up to me and made sure I was okay and gave me a hug.
He was also the kind of guy that would smile at you in the hallways even if you'd never talked before.
"Drinks?" Sofie asks me.
"Yes." I say.
"Alright, shots?" She asks.
"No I actually wanna be sober for this one." I say.
"Why?" She asks.
"I don't know, I just do." I say.
She rolls her eyes and I go to stand by the stage where they had set up. Sofie comes back shortly with two drinks in her hand.
"I thought you'd maybe like this one? They said it was sweet." She says.
I nod and take the drink from her. It was a half shot and it was pink.
I drink it quickly and it is sweet. It stings a little bit.
The guys come out on stage and I recognize the other one as Dallon immediately. He was also fairly nice but I had never interacted with him. We were in two toatally different social groups, not that I minded at all.
"Hey so we're the brobecks and this is better than me." Dallon says as Ryan gets set behind his drum set.
The song starts and it's pretty good. I nod my head along to the beat and Sofie is clearly having a good time as well.
I smile at Ryan who catches my attention and he smiles back at me. I'm not sure he recognizes me but either way I don't mind.
He had gotten pretty attractive since I last saw him and I couldn't help but admire the way his brown hair flopped around as he drummed away.
"This next seong is called the nerve." Dallon introduces as they play.
I make a small heart with my hand halfway through the song and aim it Ryan, sending him a cute wink when he looks my way and sees it. He smiles at me and quickly makes a heart at me.
Dallon notices the quick pause in the drummer's pattern and looks at him before Ryan quickly goes back to his drumming.
After the song is over Dallon giggles.
"Ryan, stop flirting with the crowd and drum." Dallon teases.
Ryan leans up to his mic.
"My bad, won't happen again. Maybe." He says.
That was the first time I had heard his voice all night and it was a lot deeper than I had remembered it being. But it was smooth.
"Maybe?" Dallon asks.
"Look at her." Ryan says pointing a drumstick at me.
Dallon rolls his eyes and I blush.
"So next we're gonna do a song called love at first sight in honor of Ryan's new crush."
I blush even more and I notice a red tint on Ryan's cheek as well.
They play the song and it's a quite sweet song.
"Okay lastly I think we're gonna do visitation of the ghost." Dallon announces.
I have to admit they're good. And Ryan isn't a bad drummer either. After the show Sofie leaves me to get more drinks and I stay by the stage for a few more moments.
I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around thinking it'll be Sofie, but to my surprise it's Ryan.
"Hey." He says smiling.
"Hi." I say.
"Umm, I'm Ryan by the way." He says.
I giggle at him.
"I know, we went to high school together." I say.
"You're right. I remember you. (Y/N) right?" He asks.
"Yeah that's me." I say.
"Wow, you look different. I mean, not in a bad way." He says.
"I know what you meant." I say smiling.
"So, Dallon left me here, he went home already. Would you maybe care to get a drink with me?" He asks nervously.
"Yeah of course." I say smiling.
"What can I get you to drink?" He asks as we sit down.
"Wanna share a shake? I'm not really in the mood for alcohol right now if I'm honest." I say.
"Yeah, that's fine. I'm not either." He says.
We sit down at the bar and he orders a chocolate shake for the two of us.
It gets back to the bar table and we start talking.
"So what have you been up to?" He asks me.
"I'm not too sure. I've just been in school. Nothing exciting, but you, you're in a band now." I say.
"Yeah, Dallon and I had always talked about starting one." He says smiling.
He goes to take a sip out of his straw and I grab my phone to take a quick snap.
"What?" He asks.
"You just looked cute." I say.
"Can I tell you something?" He asks.
"Yeah what's up?" I ask.
"That song, that Dallon sang tonight, it was about you." He says blushing.
"Really?" I ask shocked.
"You would come into English every day and walk by my desk and I always thought you were pretty but I just didn't know how to talk to you." He admits.
I smile at him.
"Ryan that's really sweet." I say.
"I figured you might think that it was creepy." He says.
"Not really. I mean, we only had one short conversation and you hugged me but it's still a very cute song." I say.
I wasn't expecting it to be about me, how could someone write something that beautiful about me? Especially someone like Ryan.
"So what do you say we get out of here?" He asks me.
I just nod and we hold pinky fingers on the way out.
"We can go back to mine and watch a movie or something?" He suggests.
I nod and he grabs my hand in his.
We finally make it to his and Dallon's shared apartment and Dallon looks surprised when Ryan walks in with me.
"You got the girl?" Dallon asks.
Ryan looks at me expectantly and I nod.
I place a sweet kiss on his cheek.
"Yes, he did get the girl." I say.

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