(I) Ryan S. - Heat

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I walk to the tour bus after getting some food for myself slightly nervous. I have had a crush on the drummer of the band I was touring with for a while now. I grew up with him and Dallon, and when they asked me to go on tour with them as their guitarist of course I said yes.
They had formed a band called "I don't know how but they found me."
I shiver from the cold air and continue walking to the bus. It was freezing out.
I get to the bus and walk inside. Dallon is sprawled out in the couch and Ryan is sitting on the floor in front of it. They look at me with disappointment.
"We don't have any heat tonight." Dallon says finally breaking the awkward silence.
"We what?" I ask shocked.
"We don't have any heat. The furnace on the bus is broke. So tonight we're all just going to have to bundle up and prepare for the worst." Dallon says.
I sigh.
"That also means no leaving the bus or opening any windows." Ryan says.
I just nod in agreement.
"We don't have a little plug in heater?" I ask.
"No, plus it wouldn't do any good because on the bus it's a fire hazzard with the driving and all." Dallon says.
"Yeah I didn't think about that part." I say. "This sucks, I get cold super easily." I think out loud.
"I'm pretty sure that we all do." Dallon jokes. I roll my eyes and grab a blanket wrapping it around me. I sit on the ground next to Ryan and try to ignore the closeness of him.
"Maybe I'll share a bed with our sound guy." Dallon says.
"What?" I ask.
"I'm kidding. But maybe you and Ryan can share a bunk. You know, to keep warm for the night." Dallon teases.
I shoot him a glare quickly, careful that Ryan doesn't notice. I don't know what I would do if he found out about my crush on him.
"Anyways, do you guys want to do something before we all head off to bed for the night? We have a show tomorrow." Ryan says.
"Movie?" I ask them.
The both nod in agreement and we watch a movie together. We can all feel the bus getting colder by the second as the movie plays but none of us say anything about it.
When the movie finally ends we all sat our goodnights and head to our bunks to sleep.
As it was getting colder, the blankets that I had were working less and less. I got up and threw on my thick sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt with a hoodie over top. I then traded my plain socks for some that were a bit fuzzier and warmer and I attempted to go back to bed.
I was hoping that I hadn't woken any of the guys up, especially with Ryan being on the bottom bunk across from mine.
I couldn't help but to start to shiver slightly, and the slight shivering turned into even more which eventually turned into my teeth chattering.
I heard some movement coming from behind the curtain in Ryan's bunk. And then some teeth chattering that wasn't mine.
I listened as I heard more shifting and then finally a groan of frustration.
I peaked through the crack of the curtain on my bunk as Ryan flung open his bunk curtain and walked to the kitchen. A few moments later his figure returned and he seemed to be coming closer to my bunk.
He hesitated a moment before kneeling down in front of it.
"Hey are you awake?" He whispers.
I open my bunk curtain and shoot him a confused look, but soon realize he can't see me because of the dark.
"Yeah, I'm freezing my ass off there's no way I'm asleep." I tell him.
He chuckles.
"Do you mind if I join you in here? I'm so cold." He says.
"Yeah sure." I say.
I scoot over to give him some room and he carefully moves in next to me and closes the curtain to the bunk.
"It's not gonna do us any good if you're all the way over there." I joke.
I hear him laugh softly and then I feel him move closer to me.
He wraps his arms around me and snuggle into his warm embrace as much as I possible can taking in every inch of his warmth.
We lay like this for a little while, and I can hear his heart beating quickly. Probably just as fast as mine.
"Can I ask you something?" He asks.
"Mhm." I say.
"What do you think of me?" He asks.
I'm taken off gaurd by his question and I think about what to say.
"Well, you're very kind, and you're funny. You're really nice to everyone too." I say.
"No I mean like, as a friend, more?" He asks.
"Why?" I ask nervously.
Does he know?
"If I tell you think you have to promise me you won't get mad at me or quit the tour." He says.
"I would never." I say.
I anxiously await for what he's about to say, fearing for the worst.
"I like you as more than a friend and I have for a really long time." He says.
"Really?" I ask.
"Yes, and I get it if you dont-"
I carefully press my lips to his. It takes him a second to kiss back but as soon as he realizes whats going on he moves one hand to my waist and one to my cheek.
I throw my hands in his hair softly running them through it and tugging it gently at some points.
We stay like this for a little while before we both decide that we need to breathe and we pull away.
I kiss him on the nose and cuddle into him once more.
"I like you too." I say into his chest.

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