(S) Dallon W. - All Of The Drugs

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All of the drugs, she takes at night,
Keep her awake, Give me a fright,

"Dallon, I can't sleep." I whine. I lay awake next to my gorgeous boyfriend Dallon who's fast asleep.
"Babe, what time is it?" He asks.
"I don't know I can't sleep baby." I whine sweetly.
"I'm getting sick of you waking me up in the middle of the night every night cause you can't sleep. I have work early tomorrow I need to rest." He explains gently.
"Dal, I'm tired and I can't sleep. Can you cuddle me?" I ask.
"Are you drunk?" He asks.
I had gotten home after he went to bed last night. It was a Friday night after all.
"No, I'm high. I got pills at the club and I can't sleep." I say giggling.
"What?" He asks fully awake now.
"I don't know. I got some pills from the girl I usually meet up with there and I took them." I say.
"You're starting to worry me." Dallon says.
He wasn't used to seeing me like this. We had been togetehr for three years and about one year ago is when my addictions started to come back.
"You're scaring me is all." He says.

I don't know what goes through her mind,
When she takes drugs.

"Dallon I can take care of myself." I say.
"Yeah I just don't get what goes through your head when you're at a club alone and you're doing drugs." He explains. I don't even give what he says a second thought.
"Cuddle me. I'm tired and I really want to sleep baby." I demand.
He rolls his eyes and I feel his arm sling around me. He grabs his phone and I hear the vibration from him texting before the room goes quiet again. I turn and bury my head into his chest and sigh.

All of the lies she tells herself,
Won't believed by anybody else.

"Goodmorning." I hear from beside me. "We need to talk."
"What's up?" I ask rubbing my eyes. "Wait, why are you still here? You should be in the studio with Ryan." I say.
"I'm worried about you." He says.
"Dallon I won't do it again I promise." I say. I know I will do it again next time but what he doesn't know isn't going to hurt him.
"Babe, you say that every time." He says.
"I mean it this time." I say. "I want to get better for you baby." I say. He seems to buy it as he drops the subject and goes into the kitchen.

And I can't buy just what she sells,
When she tells lies.

I snuggle into the blankets even more when I hear voices from the kitchen.
"Ryan I don't know what to do."
"Have you tried talking to her?"
"So many times but she won't listen or she makes empty promises. She keeps saying she won't do it again and she does every single time."
"Tell her you're done putting up with it and if she does it again you'll leave."
"Ryan I can't do that I love her."
"Good morning." I say walking into the living room in nothing but a lacy black bra and matching pair of underwear.
Stood in the living room is Ryan Seaman, my boyfriend's bandmate with his jaw to the floor.
"What?" I ask.
"You should go get dressed." Dallon suggests politely. "We have a guest."
"Hmm." I shrug him off and plop down in the couch flipping through the TV channels.
"Seriously, please go out on some clothes. Ryan's here." Dallon pleads.
"If he wants to look then let him look." I say.

And she takes her pills, And she tells her lies,
And she breaks my heart, and breaks her word,
But I still act sur-, surprised.

"I should get going." Ryan says.
I catch him taking one last look at me before walking out of the apartment door.
"What the hell was that?" Dallon scolds.
"Nothing." I say.
"Seriously. You're showing off for Ryan now?" He asks.
I can sense the hurt in his voice and I try my best to ignore it.
"Get over it Dallon. I'm going out tonight. You and Ryan should come. It's Lisa's 27th birthday." I say.
"Okay, yeah I'll make sure you don't get in trouble." Dallon says.

I start getting ready, putting on a sexy black dress and doing my makeup.
"You ready Dallon?" I ask.
"Mhm, promise me no funny business." He says.
"I promise."

Every kiss she gives away, might be a good time,

"Dallon dance with me?" I beg.
He rolls his eyes and I finally get him to come into the dance floor. I had taken one or two pills by now without him noticing and I was having a great time. What he didn't know would never hurt him.
"Dallon are you having fun?" I ask grinding into him as the song plays.
"I'm not having a bad time." He says smiling.
I turn around to face him and I pull him into a long heating kiss.
I pull away and continue to dance with him for a few more songs.
"What's wrong?" I ask him.
"Nothing's wrong sweetheart I just have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back okay? Behave yourself little lady." He jokes.
"Yeah yeah. I love you Dallon." I call after him and watch him walk away.

But you know, the sad thing is the boys all say,
She's something of a slut.

"Ryan!" I call to the tall brown haired boy standing awkwardly at the bar. He had already downed a few shots and it was clear he was feeling them.
"Yeah?" He asks.
"Come dance with me!" I yell.
I watch as he stumbles his way over to me and gently places his hands on my was it and we dance to the mediocre music from the clubs loud speaker.
"You know, you're a good dancer." I say.
"You're not too bad yourself." He says smiling.
I stand in my tiptoes and I gently press my lips to his. I feel his hands start to travel up my back and mine make their way into his hair.
"You're hot." I whisper before I go back to kissing him.
I pull him as close as I possible can praying Dallon doesn't come back anytime soon.
"Ryan." I mumble.
I continue to kiss him, nibbling ever so slightly on his bottom lip and I feel him starting to smile into the kiss.
"This is wrong." He says after a moment.
I reach into my pocket and pop a pill into my mouth again and pull him into another kiss. He doesn't object.

And she takes her pills, and she tells her lies,
And she breaks my heart, and breaks her word,

I reach into my pocket and pop a pill into my mouth again and pull him into another kiss. He doesn't object.
"(Y/N)?" I hear a sad voice call.
"Dallon?" I ask surprised.
"Save it." He says.
I watch him walk out of the club Ryan following him out. My ming is too fogged with drugs to know what to do. So I watch the door as they leave.

But I still act surprised.

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