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Holly POV

*set shortly after Christmas*

I got a 3DS from Percy! It's really fun. Currently, I have Animal Crossing, Super Smash Brothers, and a Pokemon game that I don't actually know the name of.

Anyway, I was playing my Pokemon game today. Pippin walked up to me. "Hey Holly, do you want to go to the movies later?"

I didn't actually realize what he said until about three seconds after I'd responded. "In a minute."

Either he couldn't see me, or he was an idiot. "Y-you mean now? Well, okay..." With that he left, making me feel like an even bigger idiot.

I didn't even know what movie we were seeing! And Pippin never picks anything good! (No offense.)

I sighed and turned off my gaming system. Straightening my t-shirt, I ran over to his cabin.

When we finally got back (the movie wasn't horrible, yay), I quickly went back to my game.

"No!" I groaned in frustration. "It didn't save my progress!"

Pippin gave me a weird look, but I ignored him. "I have to start this level over now!"

"What is she going on about now?" I heard him mutter. I ignored him again.

About five days later, I was jumping around and cheering; I'd finished my game. When Pippin came over, I hugged him.

"I finally finished!"


"My game! The one I've been playing forever!"

"Holly, it's been a week."

"Shut up! Don't ruin my mood!"

With that, he sighed and left, leaving me to my happiness.

(A/N okay I started this a while ago and came back today. I'm sick right now so this probably wasn't the best idea. Sorry it's so short.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2015 ⏰

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