Never Again

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(A/N yeah, I don't know what's been going through my head. At least it's creative, right? ...right?)

*set in the present*

Pippin POV

I've been looking for Holly for the past 3 hours. It's aggravating not knowing where she is.

I had asked everyone where she was. No one knew. Wait...

I walked up to Lily. "Do you know where Holly is?"

She smiled. "Of course."

I wasn't expecting that. "You do?" She nodded.

I punched her in the shoulder. "I'm serious."

"So am I," she said simply. I sighed and went back to my cabin. I was pretty tired, so I fell asleep.

When I woke up again, it was morning. But I was not at Camp Half-Blood.

"Hey Pippin." I looked up and saw Holly...but she was smaller than I'd ever seen her...and had wings...and was wearing a tiny little dress. I started laughing.

"Why do you have wings? And why are you in a dress?"

She looked thoroughly offended. "I'm a fairy, you dolt!" Her voice was extremely high-pitched. I wondered why.

I blinked. My girlfriend is a fairy? But doesn't she...

"Don't you hate heights?" I regretted the words the moment they came out of my mouth.

Tiny Holly plopped down on my shoulder and sighed. "Yeah...I should be ashamed, no fairy should be afraid of heights-"

I desperately tried to cheer her up, even though I was still really confused. "No, I didn't mean that at all! You're a great fairy, and a tough one to be able to deal with that 24:7."

She looked up at me, and I knew that had done the trick. "Really?"

I grinned. "Really."

She did some kind of flying flip, apparently happy again. Was she just really emotional? "Hooray! Now come on, I have so much to show you!" She flew off. I didn't have much of a choice other than to follow her.

I opened the door and saw a ton of colors. My eyes adjusted and I realized that we were outside.

"Oh gods," I muttered.

"Come on!" Holly cried, trying to drag me along by my pinky. "We have to go find Lily!"

"Is Lily a fairy too?" I was trying not to laugh at this point, this was just weird.

"No, you idiot! You know Lily!" I decided to shut up and follow her.

We approached a giant ship. "LILY!" Holly screamed. Nothing happened.

"Hey Pippin." I nearly jumped out of my skin as she fell down in front of me. She was completely decked out in a female pirate's outfit.

"Hey..." I was very confused. I was starting to wonder if I was even awake. I pinched myself hard.

It hurt.

"Hey Holly?" I asked nervously.


"Where exactly am I?"

She laughed. "Quit joking around, you know where you are. Now come on, there's much more to show you!"

I spent the rest of the day following Holly everywhere, still wondering where I was. Lily was arguing with Holly about fighting skills when the sky suddenly turned dark.

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