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*set in the present*

Holly POV

Pippin decided to take me to Australia. It wasn't a special occasion or anything. But he told me it was a double date thing with Ashton and Lily. Not that I was complaining, Lily and I have been wanting to have a double date for a while now.

Actually, I've been to Australia before. It was on my first quest. I didn't like the slide at the water park. It was too tall. Otherwise, the water park was great. Everyone else liked it too.

We expected our parents to go with us. But actually, they didn't. They let us go by ourselves. The only thing that surprised me was why my mom let her 12-year-old reckless daughter go alone to another continent with 3 crazy 13-year-olds. Well, now that I think of it, Lily's the only super crazy one. At times though, Pippin and Ashton could be almost as crazy as we are. There was one thing that terrified me. It was the fact that we were flying there and back. Being a daughter of Poseidon, I hate flying, and I always will.

The other three were expecting me to scream and freak out. In fact, they even had a whole mini speech planned out for everyone who questioned us. I love my friends.

Anyway, I was on the plane, freaking out like normal, and Pippin was calming me down the best he could. Absolutely no one can truly calm me down while I'm in the air, but he could come close. Lily and Ashton put on soundproof headphones and went to sleep.

"Hey Holly," Pippin said. "I have this app."

"Really?!" I was very sarcastic. I got like this when I feel like I'm about to die. "I can't believe you have an app! That's so amazing!"

He rolled his eyes. "Yes, I have an app. It's called Hill Climb. Play it."

I took his phone and tried it out. Apparently he had unlocked everything. I found a little blue car and went on the first level I could find.

You play by using the gas and break pedals to get you across the course. However, I don't think there's an end to this game. It was really weird, but I tried it. I got to about 500 meters then I crashed and fell on my neck.

"Good job," Pippin told me.

"Shut up," I told him. "You have 10,000 meters as your high score."

He shrugged. "It took me forever to figure the game out."

I laughed. "You're a freakin genius! How is that even possible?"

He grinned. "I don't know."

Then I realized that my boyfriend was still being a genius. I heard this old lady nearby say something like, "I'm glad that girl finally shut up about being in this plane." Rude, but I was used to it. Even my mom has said something like that, except it wasn't that rude.

Half to make a point, and half because I remembered I was in a plane, I started freaking out again. Pippin started trying to calm me down again.

I didn't fall for one of his distractions again. But on the bright side (note the sarcasm) I kept everyone except for Lily and Ashton up all night. Pippin didn't mind (probably because he knew I was getting the same amount of sleep) but everyone else was complaining and grumpy.

"Why does everyone have potty mouths?" Lily asked sleepily.

"Because of me," I muttered, exhausted. "I kept everyone up all night."

Surprisingly, Pippin seemed nowhere near tired. "We only have a little bit left," he assured me. I felt a little better.

"Are we back in Sydney?" Ashton asked. Pippin nodded and I grinned.

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