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*set in the present*

Pippin POV

When Holly told me we'd be going horseback riding, I thought she was just tired or something and meant pegasus riding. But I was wrong.

She seemed wide awake at 8 in the morning (I'm actually really surprised...she never wakes up early-oh hey Holly, how have you been?) dressed in jeans, a smiley-face tshirt, and a denim jacket. I looked up from the TV really confused.

My dad looked down at her and grinned. "You're up early," he said.

She rolled her eyes but smiled. "Yeah, I am." She looked over at me. "Pippin, you ready yet? I told you we'd leave at 8!" I have never gotten ready so quickly in my life.

At exactly 8:03 am, I ran up behind my dad. "Ready!"

Holly turned red with laughter. "You are so gullible. And a horrible listener. We don't actually leave until 11." I groaned and she burst into laughter, along with my dad.

At least she had planned for me to get ready so quickly. I grinned as she informed me that she had booked one game for Laser Tag.

"Will anyone else be there?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I don't know. We'll have to find out."

Holly walked over to the check-in desk to pay. As soon as she turned around, she was tackled by Lily, who was cleverly disguised as a statue. I nearly screamed as Holly did some kind of ninja roll so she wouldn't get hurt.

"Ow," Lily complained as she stood up. "Why'd you throw me off you?"

Holly smiled nervously. "Sorry, I still need to work on that."

Lily shrugged. "You're doing good so far. Hi Pippin." I smiled slightly and waved.

"So," I said after an awkward silence. "Lily, did you come alone?"

"No, Daniel drove me," she said.

Holly and I exchanged nervous looks before blurting at the same time, "HE CAN DRIVE?!"

"Yeah, he has his permit," she said. "Why?"

Holly looked like she was going to faint. I guess she'd known him longer. "No reason. Go get your code name."

As Lily ran off, I grabbed her hand. "You okay?" She nodded nervously then went up to get her own code name.

As we walked into the Air Lock, I asked to team up with her. I didn't want to miserably fail. Thankfully, she said yes.

Needless to say, we pulverized everyone. I managed to get second, and of course Holly won. How she managed to get 283 more points than me, I will never know.

"Now come on," she said. "I wasn't lying when I said we were going horseback riding."

"Don't you mean-"

"I meant what I said, Pippin. Now come on." She dragged a very confused me off.

About an hour later, we finally got there.

"So we're riding horses?" I asked.

She sighed. "Yes, Pippin. We are. Gods, you're dense." I tried to protest as she easily got on one of them.

"Go get on yours," she said, gesturing to a giant black one. I blinked and smiled nervously. She grinned. "Just kidding." She then gestured to a dark brown one about the same size as hers.

I tried to climb on it, but the horse bucked me off. Literally, it shoved me off of him. I landed on something soft.

"Geez, how much do you weigh, kid?" Holly burst into laughter as I quickly got off and apologized.

Percy Jackson Fanfic Thingy-Drabble EditionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora