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*They have kids.*

Pippin POV

My daughter, Polly, ran up to me. "Daddy, Daddy! Can you and Mommy do the fighting thing again?"

I sighed. 'The fighting thing' meant sword-fighting, and I wasn't all that good at it, especially compared to Holly. Even though we're both in our mid-30s, she could defeat me with ease.

At the moment, we have two kids, Sebastian, who's 11, and Polly, who's 7. Sebastian is named after a character in an anime Holly watched when she was younger. I didn't understand it, but I went along with it. (A/N teehee) Polly is actually a combination of our names. Holly told me it's called a 'ship name', but I just silenced her and wrote it down on the birth certificate.

Anyway, the house is pretty tense right now, because Holly's pregnant again...but this time with twins. Needless to say, when I'm not here, I'm at Percy and Annabeth's house, hiding from my wife.

"Daddy? Hello...?" I looked down at my daughter and smiled.

"I'd love to, but Mommy isn't feeling well right now." In reality, I just wanted to live. Holly's a bit...easily angered at times.

"Fine." My daughter looked like me, but with Holly's eyes. Sebastian was the opposite.

He never really talks...anyway, I felt bad for Polly, so I offered to buy her ice cream. Here I am, two hours later, in front of my unusually locked house, Polly happily eating ice cream on the porch. Hoping Holly was in a good mood, I called her.

Thankfully she was okay, but she sounded like she just woke up. "Pippin?"

"Hi. Um, can you unlock the house?"

"It is unlocked," she complained sleepily.

"No, it's definitely-" I stopped mid-sentence as Sebastian opened the door.

"Pippin? Hello? Are you still there?" I blinked.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Never mind, just take it easy, okay?" I hung up, thanked Sebastian, then walked inside, Polly following suit.

After getting the TV set up for the kids, I walked into my room, where Holly was sleeping. I smiled, until I realized she was taking up the entire bed.

Normally, this wouldn't be a problem, but if you even try to wake up Holly, she will either have a nightmare or wake up and slap you. I speak from experience. So I'll be sleeping on the couch tonight.

At around 1 in the morning, I was about to fall asleep on the surprisingly-comfy couch when I heard a scream coming from our room. I knew exactly what it was, so I ran into her room.

"Get the kids," she said, her voice filled with pain. "They're coming."

Five minutes later I was speeding out of the driveway. I went about 20 miles faster than the speed limit, but I didn't really care at this point. When we got to the hospital, Sebastian looked terrified, and Polly was screaming, "Whee! Daddy, do it again! Do it again!"

Sebastian did me a huge favor: taking Polly to the waiting room. I took Holly to the ER, half because I panicked, and half because I had no idea where I was going.

The doctors understood my panic and moved her to the right area. I quickly followed, extremely nervous even though I had done this twice before.

(I will not go into detail on how our twins will born. You will thank me later.)

On September 16th, two little bundles of loudness were born into this world. One was a boy, the other was a girl. Holly passed out instantly, and I knew she wouldn't wake up anytime soon, so I would be filling out their birth certificates. I could imagine Holly if she was conscious: "Dude, it's no big deal. Just fill it out, it'll only last for the rest of their lives."

I was freaking out on what to name them, like any normal dad who was put on the spot. We hadn't discussed AT ALL about this. Suddenly, I had an idea. It would make Holly sad, but at the same time she'd be very proud of me. And that never happens!

Their names were Leo Valdez Ashman and Silena Beaureguard Ashman.

When I said little bundles of loudness, I wasn't kidding. They screamed and cried for hours. Holly somehow slept through all of this. I wished I could.

Holly eventually woke up. She asked me where our children were.

I was about to become roadkill, when Sebastian and Polly walked in, holding the twins. I pointed to them.

Holly smiled. "Hey kids." She sounded tired but relieved.

Sebastian waved and Polly was bouncing off the walls. "Mommy! Daddy! I got candy, I got candy!"

I raised an eyebrow at Sebastian. He shrugged innocently.

Holly either wasn't paying attention, or didn't understand the imminent danger, so she just smiled. "That's nice, sweetie."

"Nice?" I practically screamed at her.

She just fell asleep again, so I sent Sebastian and Polly to go to Laser Tag. "Don't give your sister sugar," I told Sebastian. He made an 'I-make-no-promises' gesture then walked off with Polly.

~~~Three Days Later~~~

We were back home...finally. Holly was usually in a good mood, but never stayed awake long. I didn't blame her.

Anyway, Sebastian was reading, Polly was trying to get my attention, and the twins were with Holly.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Dad-"

"Yes, Polly?" I asked, trying not to let my annoyance show.

"Do the fighting thing!"

I was about to tell her that Holly wasn't in the state to do so, then I had a brilliant idea.

"How about I teach you how to do the fighting thing?" I smiled to myself, knowing I had successfully kept Polly distracted.

Her eyes lit up. "Yay! Do it do it do it Daddy!"

I called Sebastian in. He raised his eyebrows, asking what I wanted.

"I'm teaching you and Polly how to sword-fight." The color drained from his face. I smiled.

Two hours later Sebastian was getting his butt whooped by his little sister. I was videotaping and trying not to laugh.

Holly came out of her room for the first time in days. I must've looked really surprised, because she laughed.

"Hi genius," she greeted me.

"Hey," I said as casually as I could. Sebastian nervously waved and Polly nearly decapitated him.

Holly stared at them for a moment. Then she shrugged. "Guess we should teach them now instead of later."

I was amazed at how easily she handled that. Then the twins started crying. We both sighed, knowing we'd be having very long days for a while.

Percy Jackson Fanfic Thingy-Drabble EditionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum