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*set on the 4th of July* (A/N NOOOOOOOO REALLY I HAD NO IDEA)

Pippin POV

I was really excited for the 4th of July this year. Percy had explained to me that camp had a huge fireworks show every year. It was also a great time for some romantic action. I asked if Holly liked the fireworks show and Percy grinned.

"I've never allowed her to go," he explained. "Even the older guys think she has amazing looks. That's a big part of the reason why. Or she's just gone or something. And Gabe didn't let us see many fireworks." Gabe was his step-father. After they got to camp they kicked him out.

"She's never seen fireworks? Do you know where she is now?"

He glared down at me. "You think I'm allowing you to take her?" I smiled nervously.

He laughed. "Just kidding. Of course you can take her. But actually, I'm not really sure where she is. Go look for her."

I walked around, searching for my girlfriend. Finally, I found her talking to Lily inside the Poseidon cabin. For once, I decided to be nice and simply wait until they finished.

Lily came out. "Holly's really upset," she explained. "Percy told her that she still can't go to the fireworks."

"Then he's pranking her," I said simply. "He just told me to go ask her."

She laughed. "I like him. Now go talk to her." I went inside.

Lily was right. Holly was really mad.

"Go away Pippin," she said when she saw me. I sat down next to her. She shoved me off the bed.

"Hey!" I protested. She didn't respond.

"Look, I know you're upset about not being able to go to the fireworks," I started. That made it worse.

"She told you?!" So Lily wasn't supposed to tell me...which is why she told me anyway.

"Um, yeah. But..." How was I supposed to explain that Percy lied to prank her and that she is allowed to go?

Percy himself saved me. "Holly, I lied. You can go with Pippin." As soon as Holly realized what he said, I ran out. I was glad I did, Holly was throwing things at him.

A few hours later it was about time for the fireworks to start, so I went to the Poseidon cabin and knocked on the door. Holly tapped my shoulder.

"I'm behind you." I turned around.

"When did you get here?" I asked.

She grinned. "I was looking for you."

"Oh." Why do I feel so stupid?

"Because you are," she said simply.

"Hey!" She laughed.

"Come on." She dragged me off to the beach.

Every single camper got a box of those popper thingies. Holly blew all of hers up at my feet. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Lily doing the same thing to Ashton.

"You guys are immature," I complained.

"Look who's talking," she countered.

"Hey, I'm more mature than you'll ever be!" I protested.

She laughed. "You're right." I can't believe she just agreed with me. I should keep her in this good mood.


"Shut up, the fireworks are starting." I spread out the blanket she had given me and sat on it. Holly followed suit.

The fireworks show was truly amazing. I'd seen fireworks before, but all of them were tiny compared to these.

After a few hours, I put my arm around Holly, who had begun to fall asleep. She muttered something about being old then was peacefully sleeping. I grinned.

"Hey Pippin." I jumped and looked up. It was Turner. Thankfully, I hadn't woken up Holly, who was still peacefully sleeping.

"Hi. Did you watch the fireworks?"

He nodded. "Yeah. They're really big."

"No, really?" I replied sarcastically. He rolled his eyes.

"You know where Daniel is?" I shook my head and he held back a laugh.

"He said he got a date, but I haven't been able to find him."

"DANIEL got a DATE?!" Lily looked horrified.

"Shh," I scolded her. "Holly's asleep."

"She's a deep sleeper," she replied. I never knew that... "But seriously? Did he really get a date?"

"He said he did, but I haven't seen him today." Suddenly Holly got dragged off.

"What-" I found Daniel talking to Holly, who was obviously still half-asleep. Lily and I snuck over to eavesdrop.

"Come on...please?" Daniel was saying.

"Pippin will never believe you," Holly muttered sleepily.

He stared at her for a moment then laughed. "Oh, you thought I meant you. Ha ha. No. I'm paying you to go get her."

She perked up a little. "You're paying me?"

"Yeah. Twenty bucks."

She groaned. "That's nothing..."

"I'd be lucky to get a 5," Lily muttered.

Daniel panicked, so he must've been desperate. He got a bit more out of his wallet. "50?"

She hesitated. "Come on Holly. Please?" She was already back asleep. He groaned.

"If you want someone to do it that bad, just ask one of us," Lily said. He jumped.

"H-how much did you hear?"

"What did Holly mean when she said I'd never believe you?" I asked. He sighed.

"I lied. I didn't really get a date. Well...I did...but she ran away," he admitted. Lily snorted and he groaned. "That's why I wanted Turner to keep it a secret." Turner shrugged.

"Yeah, I can believe that, but what did she mean?" I was not leaving until I figured it out.

"She thought I meant I was paying her to pretend to be my girlfriend," he calmly explained.

"Then she was right. I wouldn't believe you," I replied. He laughed.

"You'd probably kill me anyways. Well, go ahead and take her back to her cabin." I nodded and returned her to the Poseidon cabin.

Percy was in there, sitting on the bed. "What happened?" He looked alarmed.

"She just fell asleep," I assured him. I laid her carefully down on her bed.

"Okay..." He probably didn't believe me. Oh well.

"If she says something about Daniel, I'll explain it better," I told him. He looked confused but shrugged.

"Got it. Now go back to your cabin weirdo, you shouldn't be up so late." I grinned and went back.

Annabeth was the only one awake. "Hey. Did you like the fireworks?" I nodded. "Did Holly?" I grinned. "She loved them."

Annabeth smiled. "That's great. Go to bed, you need to sleep." I grinned and laid down. I hope we can do this again next year, assuming we don't have another war or something.

(A/N sorry I made you wait so long. I'm mean. Oh well. HAHAHAHAHAHA)

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