Ice Cream

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*set in the present*

(A/N this is probably not what you were expecting, but it will relate to the title eventually.)

Holly POV

I've been having lots of nightmares lately. Why everyone hates me so much right now, I have no idea. Even Pippin won't talk to me, and that just ticks me off. I may not be a normal girl, but I still have feelings, and it would be nice if my boyfriend-or anyone for that matter-would just let me talk about them so I wouldn't have to keep all of my feelings inside.

Mom and Paul went somewhere for the weekend, so that meant Percy would stay up late with the TV on. Of course, I could hear Finding Nemo blaring through the speakers into my room. I sighed, and yelled at Percy to turn it down. He ignored me, as everyone else has for the past two weeks.

I got up and grabbed the remote. I pressed the volume button, but nothing happened. I groaned in frustration, and Percy screamed.

I raised an eyebrow and was about to ask him what the heck was going on when he tackled me. My head hit the table, but I felt no pain. That's when I realized. Oh Styx.

Then all of the Big Three gods just popped in out of nowhere. I got Percy off of me, then made one of the riskiest moves of all time: I slapped Hades in the face.

"Are you meaning to tell me that I've been DEAD for the past two weeks?!" I screamed at him. Poseidon muttered something to Zeus, who sighed and said something about spending too much irresponsible time around mortals.

Hades stared at me for a moment. Then he shook his head.

"Then how did I-"

"Patience, child," Hades said. For whatever reason, he didn't seem to be upset. "I will explain everything."


Hades explained to me that this was just some crazy nightmare. I wondered why it lasted so long, until he said I was in a coma. Then I facepalmed, because I remembered how I got here.

We had been in Capture the Flag, and I was stupid and got lost, and there were at least ten scorpions surrounding me. I tried to fend them off, but my powers, for whatever reason, didn't work, and I freaking LEFT MY SWORD at my cabin. So you can guess what happened next.

I begged Hades to help me out of this coma, and to my surprise, he said he would. However, he was smirking as he pushed me into the light.

I woke up and two seconds later I got a face full of baseballs. "That's a nice wake-up call," I murmured.

Five boys jumped. As soon as I realized who they were, I facepalmed. Pippin, help me. Please.

"Ah, the princess awakens," one of the flirtatious jocks smiled. There's some in every school. Mine is not excluded in this.

Being the genius I am, I just asked, "Who the heck are you people?"

"Just some of your biggest fans," another guy said.

"We know everything about you," yet another one said, smiling.

"That's great!" I said over-enthusiastically. "Then you'd know that I have a very overprotective brother and boyfriend." All of them raised an eyebrow.

Miraculously, Percy and Pippin walked in right at that moment. Pippin promptly fainted, and Percy grinned. "Nice to see you awake. You need help?"

I nodded, and two minutes later only the three of us were in the room. No, we didn't chuck them out the window (although I would've loved to do that), but I reported them to some doctors, who dragged them off.

Percy and I caught up on a few things. I explained my weird two-week long dream, and he explained that I was now failing all of my classes. I whacked him, and he laughed.

"Just kidding. Pippin's been really worried," he said.

"How worried, exactly?" I asked nervously.

"Well, we didn't know if you were going to make it or not, and he-well..." I quickly realized what he was implying.


Percy nodded. "I took the sword away from him. He didn't do any damage, but it was tense."

I nodded, half wanting to slap Pippin for being so stupid and half wanting to hug him to death because I hadn't actually seen him for 2 weeks.

"So, have you and Annabeth taken advantage of these past two weeks?" I asked him.

He laughed. "I wish. No, we've been helping Pippin through this."

"Oh, so you'd rather-you know what, don't answer that." I rolled my eyes as Percy laughed again.

"I'm hungry. Do you want ice cream? I want ice cream. Can we get-" I shut Percy up so he wouldn't keep rambling.

"Do you even have money?" I asked him. He stared at me. I sighed, knowing the answer.

"Wake up Pippin," I told him. "I'll pay."


Half an hour later we all had ice cream. I'd sent Percy away as soon as he got his.

Pippin was unusually silent. "You okay?" I asked him.

He shrugged and took a small bite.

I smiled and nudged him. "Did you get a new favorite flavor while I was out?" He didn't answer. I quit joking around.

"Pippin, you know you can tell me anything," I said carefully.

He nodded. "Sorry, it's just..." He suddenly broke into a grin. "You missed my first Capture the Flag game!"

"What?!" I groaned. "Not fair!" After a few minutes we both just laughed.

"So how was it?" I asked him. He grinned.

"Awesome! Now I know why you like it so much." I nodded in agreement.

"Um, can I ask you something?" Pippin asked nervously.

I smiled and nodded. "Anything you want."

"Are you supposed to be out of the hospital?" Dang it. I hadn't even bothered to check. After a few minutes, I blurted out, "YOLO." For whatever reason, Pippin found this incredibly funny, and burst out laughing. After about fifteen seconds I joined him. Soon we were known as the maniacs who seemed drunk on ice cream. (Thank Percy.)

"I'm glad you're better," Pippin said after we (finally) calmed down. "I really missed you."

"I missed you too," I replied. We kissed, and after a few minutes I heard someone say, "Get a room, you guys!" I spent the rest of the day chasing after my brother with a knife.

Percy Jackson Fanfic Thingy-Drabble EditionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang