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*set a month before Pippin's 14th birthday*

Pippin POV

"This isn't fair!" Holly cried.

"What isn't fair?" I asked. I was used to Holly randomly bursting out with things.

"I'm being monitored to read a book," she muttered. She pulled a small camera-looking thing out of her pocket. "If I do anything to it, I get an F."

"That's nice," I muttered. "How long do you have to complete it?"

"A month," she moaned, sounding miserable. "You know how bad my dyslexia is!"

"Your teacher should too," I muttered.

"She does! She just hates me."

"Are you sure she isn't a monster?"

"Yep. Both Grover and Coach Hedge sniffed her." Sadly, we were in a very crowded restaurant, and people were staring at us like we were insane. Then I became a genius again.

"And cut! That was great," I told her. Thankfully, she caught on quickly.

"The play is so weird," she said.

"It's fantasy."

"Yeah, but still." The people finally left us alone.

"I saved your butt," I told her.

She laughed. "In your dreams, genius."

"Is that your nickname for me?" I asked. "That was really creative." I added sarcastically.

She grinned. "I'm a creative girl."

"So what book do you have to read?" I asked her.

She shrugged. "Any book, as long as I read one."

"Well, how about we make it fun," I said. "Instead of you reading, I can read to you. Would that work?"

Her face lit up like a Christmas tree, so I assumed it would be fine.

"What do you want to read?" She handed me a list.

"Oh wow," I muttered. The list wasn't very long, but the books were.

"You up to the challenge?" She asked me, looking hopeful.

I couldn't let her down. "Challenge accepted."

~~~a month later~~~

I had read all 7 Harry Potter books, the Hunger Games trilogy, Divergent, and the Fault in Our Stars to Holly in a month. (It's not like we had anything better to do...I really wish I would've gone to that Minecraft convention.)

Anyway, she turned the monitor in right after we finished TFIOS. When she came back home, she was practically steaming.

"Did you seriously get a bad grade?" I asked her in disbelief.

"Yes! I made a smudge on the freakin monitor." She showed me. It was barely visible. I wouldn't have even noticed it without her showing me.

"You got an F for that?!" I was upset too. I got up. "You know what? I have nothing better to do, so I'm giving your teacher a bit of a lecture." (I missed the opportunity to get Minecraft-Pocket Edition for free, dang it!)

She didn't stop me. "Go ahead." I was a little scared now, but she told me who it was and told me her room number. She even gave me a key to the room for if it was locked.

"Where did you get this?"

She smirked. "I have my ways. Now get going."

•Three hours later•

I stormed back to Holly's apartment. "I just almost got expelled!"

Holly was on the phone. "Hold on a moment." She covered her phone then turned to me. "Keep quiet, would you?" She uncovered it then returned to talking. "Yeah, it was him." Pause. "Great job. I owe you $30, but that was totally worth it. Thank you so much!" She hung up.

"Who was that?" I asked.

Instead of answering she burst into laughter.

Fifteen minutes later Percy walked in. "I'm assuming you figured out," he said to me.

"Figured out what?" I asked.

Holly finally calmed down. "That was a prank."

"What was a prank?"

"The entire assignment! I just wanted you to read the books to me. You're a good reader."

I completely exploded. When I was done, Holly still didn't look guilty.

"Aren't you about to apologize?" I asked her.

"No, that was the best prank I've ever pulled," she replied. "I regret nothing. But I knew how much this meant to you, so I got you this." She handed me a ticket to the Minecraft convention.

"Holly, this was really nice of you, but it was last week," I told her.

She grinned. "Actually, it's next week. I convinced them to reschedule it!" I have the best girlfriend ever.

I hugged her. "Thanks."

"That's your birthday present," she said to me. "You're welcome." Oh. I turned fourteen today. Wow, time flies. I really should remind myself to never say that in front of this family.

As soon as I left, I heard Percy say to Holly, "Piper charmspeaked them, didn't they?"

"Of course, but it's the thought that counts," she said.

"How could you?" I called through the door. I fake sobbed until she opened it.

"Man up," she said. "Go back to your apartment, it's late." I went back feeling kind of offended.

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